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Практическое руководство. Считывание из файлов и запись в файлы в изолированном хранилище

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Существует несколько способов открытия файла в хранилище с помощью класса IsolatedStorageFileStream. После получения потока IsolatedStorageFileStream его можно использовать для получения StreamReader или StreamWriter. При помощи StreamReader и StreamWriter можно выполнять операции чтения и записи с файлом в хранилище, как с обычным файлом. Более полное обсуждение чтения из файла и записи в него см. в разделе Файловый и потоковый ввод-вывод.

Пример чтения из файлов и записи в них

В следующем примере показывается получение изолированного хранилища, создание файла TestStore.txt и запись в него строки "Hello Isolated Storage". После этого выполняется чтение из файла и вывод результатов на консоль.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.IsolatedStorage

Public Module modmain

   Sub Main()

      ' Get an isolated store for this assembly and put it into an
      ' IsolatedStoreFIle object.

      Dim isoStore As IsolatedStorageFile
      isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User Or IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, Nothing, Nothing)

      ' This code checks to see if the file already exists.

      Dim filenames As String()
      filenames = isoStore.GetFileNames("TestStore.txt")

      Dim file As String
      For Each file In filenames
         If file = "TestStore.txt" Then
            Console.WriteLine("The file already exists!")
            Console.WriteLine("Type ""StoreAdm /REMOVE"" at the command line to delete all Isolated Storage for this user.")
            Exit Sub

         End If


      Console.WriteLine("The file ""TestStore.txt"" contains:")

      ' Call readFromFile and write the returned string to the console.


   End Sub

   ' This method writes "Hello Isolated Storage" to the file.

   Private Sub WriteToFile(ByVal isoStore As IsolatedStorageFile)
      ' Declare a new StreamWriter.
      Dim writer As New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, isoStore))

      ' Have the writer write "Hello Isolated Storage" to the store.

      writer.WriteLine("Hello Isolated Storage")


      Console.WriteLine("You have written to the file.")
   End Sub

   ' This method reads the first line in the "TestStore.txt" file.

   Private Function ReadFromFile(ByVal isoStore As IsolatedStorageFile) As String

      ' This code opens the TestStore.txt file and reads the string.

      Dim reader As New StreamReader(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.Open, isoStore))

      ' Read a line from the file and add it to sb.

      Dim sb As String
      sb = reader.ReadLine

      ' Close the reader.


      Return sb
   End Function

End Module
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;

public class ReadingAndWritingToFiles{

   public static int Main(){

      // Get an isolated store for this assembly and put it into an
      // IsolatedStoreFile object.

      IsolatedStorageFile isoStore =  IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null);

      // This code checks to see if the file already exists.

      string[] fileNames = isoStore.GetFileNames("TestStore.txt");
      foreach (string file in fileNames){
         if(file == "TestStore.txt"){

            Console.WriteLine("The file already exists!");
            Console.WriteLine("Type \"StoreAdm /REMOVE\" at the command line to delete all Isolated Storage for this user.");

            // Exit the program.

            return 0;


      Console.WriteLine("The file \"TestStore.txt\" contains:");
      // Call the readFromFile and write the returned string to the


      // Exit the program.

      return 0;

   }// End of main.

   // This method writes "Hello Isolated Storage" to the file.

   private static void writeToFile(IsolatedStorageFile isoStore){

      // Declare a new StreamWriter.

      StreamWriter writer = null;

      // Assign the writer to the store and the file TestStore.

      writer = new StreamWriter(new IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.CreateNew,isoStore));

      // Have the writer write "Hello Isolated Storage" to the store.

      writer.WriteLine("Hello Isolated Storage");

      Console.WriteLine("You have written to the file.");

   }// End of writeToFile.

   // This method reads the first line in the "TestStore.txt" file.

   public static String readFromFile(IsolatedStorageFile isoStore){

      // This code opens the TestStore.txt file and reads the string.

      StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.Open,isoStore));

      // Read a line from the file and add it to sb.

      String sb = reader.ReadLine();

      // Close the reader.


      // Return the string.

      return sb.ToString();

   }// End of readFromFile.

См. также








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