Call this member function to obtain a handle to the current pop-up menu named "Window" (the pop-up menu with menu items for MDI window management).
virtual HMENU GetWindowMenuPopup(
HMENU hMenuBar
- hMenuBar
The current menu bar.
Возвращаемое значение
The Window pop-up menu if one exists; otherwise NULL.
The default implementation looks for a pop-up menu containing standard Window menu commands such as ID_WINDOW_NEW and ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ.
Override this member function if you have a Window menu that does not use the standard menu command IDs.
// CMainFrame::OnActivateFirstMDIChild() is a menu command handler for
// CMainFrame class, which in turn is a CMDIFrameWnd-derived class.
// It looks for the caption of the first created MDI child window from
// the Window popup menu, and then activate the child window.
void CMainFrame::OnActivateFirstMDIChild()
// Get handle to the Window pop-up menu.
CMenu* menubar = GetMenu();
CMenu* wmenu = CMenu::FromHandle(GetWindowMenuPopup(menubar->GetSafeHmenu()));
if (wmenu == NULL)
// Get the caption of the first created MDI child window.
CString caption;
if (!wmenu->GetMenuString(AFX_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD, caption, MF_BYCOMMAND))
// Get the actual name of the first created MDI child window by
// getting rid of the number and space, e.g. "&1 MDI 1".
int pos = caption.FindOneOf(_T(" "));
if (pos == -1)
caption = caption.Right(caption.GetLength() - (pos + 1));
// Get the CWnd* of the first created MDI child window by comparing
// the caption of each MDI child window in the MDI application.
// Activate the first created MDI child window if found.
CMDIChildWnd* child = MDIGetActive();
CString str;
if (str == caption)
child->MDIActivate(); // or MDIActivate(child);
child = (CMDIChildWnd*) child->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT);
while (child);
Header: afxwin.h