Inserts a new column in a list view control.
int InsertColumn(
int nCol,
const LVCOLUMN* pColumn
int InsertColumn(
int nCol,
LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading,
int nFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT,
int nWidth = -1,
int nSubItem = -1
The index of the new column.pColumn
Address of an LVCOLUMN structure that contains the attributes of the new column.lpszColumnHeading
Address of a string containing the column's heading.nFormat
Integer specifying the alignment of the column. It can be one of these values: LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_RIGHT, or LVCFMT_CENTER.nWidth
Width of the column, in pixels. If this parameter is -1, the column width is not set.nSubItem
Index of the subitem associated with the column. If this parameter is -1, no subitem is associated with the column.
Возвращаемое значение
The index of the new column if successful or -1 otherwise.
The leftmost column in a list view control must be left-aligned.
The LVCOLUMN structure contains the attributes of a column in report view. It is also used to receive information about a column. This structure is described in the Windows SDK.
Header: afxcmn.h