Creates a control (a child window) and associates it with the CAnimateCtrl object.
virtual BOOL CreateEx(
DWORD dwExStyle,
DWORD dwStyle,
const RECT& rect,
CWnd* pParentWnd,
Specifies the extended style of the control being created. For a list of extended Windows styles, see the dwExStyle parameter for CreateWindowEx in the Windows SDK.dwStyle
Specifies the animation control's style. Apply any combination of the window and animation control styles described in Animation Control Styles in the Windows SDK.rect
A reference to a RECT structure describing the size and position of the window to be created, in client coordinates of pParentWnd.pParentWnd
A pointer to the window that is the control's parent.nID
The control's child-window ID.
Возвращаемое значение
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Use CreateEx instead of Create to apply extended Windows styles, specified by the Windows extended style preface WS_EX_.
Header: afxcmn.h