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Пример доступа к поставщику карты веб-узла

Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007

Полнофункциональный поставщик карты веб-узла на базе Access.



В следующем примере кода показано, как можно расширить класс StaticSiteMapProvider, используя Microsoft Access в качестве поставщика карты веб-узла. Поставщик данных карты веб-узла использует поставщик данных платформы .NET Framework для OLE DB, чтобы подключаться к базе данных Access.


Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Web

Namespace Samples.AspNet.VB.Controls

    ' An extremely simple AccessSiteMapProvider that only supports a
    ' site map node hierarchy one level deep.
    <AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)> _
    Public Class AccessSiteMapProvider
        Inherits StaticSiteMapProvider

        Private aRootNode As SiteMapNode = Nothing
        Private accessConnection As OleDbConnection = Nothing

        ' This string is case sensitive.
        Private AccessConnectionStringName As String = "accessSiteMapConnectionString"

        ' Implement a default constructor.
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub 'New

        ' Some basic state to help track the initialization state of the provider.
        Private initialized As Boolean = False

        Public Overridable ReadOnly Property IsInitialized() As Boolean
                Return initialized
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Return the root node of the current site map.
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property RootNode() As SiteMapNode
                Return BuildSiteMap()
            End Get
        End Property

        Protected Overrides Function GetRootNodeCore() As SiteMapNode
            Return RootNode
        End Function

        ' Initialize is used to initialize the properties and any state that the
        ' AccessProvider holds, but is not used to build the site map.
        ' The site map is built when the BuildSiteMap method is called.
        Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal name As String, ByVal attributes As NameValueCollection)
            If IsInitialized Then
            End If
            MyBase.Initialize(name, attributes)

            ' Create and test the connection to the Microsoft Access database.
            ' Retrieve the Value of the Access connection string from the
            ' attributes NameValueCollection.
            Dim connectionString As String = attributes(AccessConnectionStringName)

            If Nothing = connectionString OrElse connectionString.Length = 0 Then
                Throw New Exception("The connection string was not found.")
                accessConnection = New OleDbConnection(connectionString)
            End If
            initialized = True
        End Sub 'Initialize

        ' SiteMapProvider and StaticSiteMapProvider methods that this derived class must override.
        ' Clean up any collections or other state that an instance of this may hold.
        Protected Overrides Sub Clear()
            SyncLock Me
                aRootNode = Nothing
            End SyncLock
        End Sub 'Clear

        ' Build an in-memory representation from persistent
        ' storage, and return the root node of the site map.
        Public Overrides Function BuildSiteMap() As SiteMapNode

            ' Since the SiteMap class is static, make sure that it is
            ' not modified while the site map is built.
            SyncLock Me

                ' If there is no initialization, this method is being
                ' called out of order.
                If Not IsInitialized Then
                    Throw New Exception("BuildSiteMap called incorrectly.")
                End If

                ' If there is no root node, then there is no site map.
                If aRootNode Is Nothing Then
                    ' Start with a clean slate

                    ' Select the root node of the site map from Microsoft Access.
                    Dim rootNodeId As Integer = -1

                    If accessConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                    End If
                    Dim rootNodeCommand As New OleDbCommand("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid IS NULL", accessConnection)
                    Dim rootNodeReader As OleDbDataReader = rootNodeCommand.ExecuteReader()

                    If rootNodeReader.HasRows Then
                        rootNodeId = rootNodeReader.GetInt32(0)
                        ' Create a SiteMapNode that references the current StaticSiteMapProvider.
                        aRootNode = New SiteMapNode(Me, rootNodeId.ToString(), rootNodeReader.GetString(1), rootNodeReader.GetString(2))
                        Return Nothing
                    End If
                    ' Select the child nodes of the root node.
                    Dim childNodesCommand As New OleDbCommand("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid = ?", accessConnection)
                    Dim rootParam As New OleDbParameter("parentid", OleDbType.Integer)
                    rootParam.Value = rootNodeId

                    Dim childNodesReader As OleDbDataReader = childNodesCommand.ExecuteReader()

                    If childNodesReader.HasRows Then

                        Dim childNode As SiteMapNode = Nothing
                        While childNodesReader.Read()
                            childNode = New SiteMapNode(Me, _
                            childNodesReader.GetInt32(0).ToString(), _
                            childNodesReader.GetString(1), _

                            ' Use the SiteMapNode AddNode method to add
                            ' the SiteMapNode to the ChildNodes collection.
                            AddNode(childNode, aRootNode)
                        End While
                    End If

                End If
                Return aRootNode
            End SyncLock

        End Function 'BuildSiteMap

    End Class 'AccessSiteMapProvider

End Namespace
namespace Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls {

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.OleDb;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Web;

    /// An extremely simple AccessSiteMapProvider that only supports a
    /// site map node hierarchy 1 level deep.
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    public class AccessSiteMapProvider : StaticSiteMapProvider
        private SiteMapNode rootNode =  null;
        private OleDbConnection accessConnection = null;

        // This string is case sensitive.
        private string AccessConnectionStringName = "accessSiteMapConnectionString";

        // Implement a default constructor.
        public AccessSiteMapProvider () { }

        // Some basic state to help track the initialization state of the provider.
        private bool initialized = false;
        public virtual bool IsInitialized {
            get {
                return initialized;
        // Return the root node of the current site map.
        public override SiteMapNode RootNode {
            get {
                SiteMapNode temp = null;
                temp = BuildSiteMap();
                return temp;
        protected override SiteMapNode GetRootNodeCore() {
            return RootNode;
        // Initialize is used to initialize the properties and any state that the
        // AccessProvider holds, but is not used to build the site map.
        // The site map is built when the BuildSiteMap method is called.
        public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection attributes) {
            if (IsInitialized)

            base.Initialize(name, attributes);

            // Create and test the connection to the Microsoft Access database.

            // Retrieve the Value of the Access connection string from the
            // attributes NameValueCollection.
            string connectionString = attributes[AccessConnectionStringName];

            if (null == connectionString || connectionString.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception ("The connection string was not found.");
                accessConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);

            initialized = true;

        /// SiteMapProvider and StaticSiteMapProvider methods that this derived class must override.
        // Clean up any collections or other state that an instance of this may hold.
        protected override void Clear() {
            lock (this) {
                rootNode = null;

        // Build an in-memory representation from persistent
        // storage, and return the root node of the site map.
        public override SiteMapNode BuildSiteMap() {

            // Since the SiteMap class is static, make sure that it is
            // not modified while the site map is built.
            lock(this) {

                // If there is no initialization, this method is being
                // called out of order.
                if (! IsInitialized) {
                    throw new Exception("BuildSiteMap called incorrectly.");

                // If there is no root node, then there is no site map.
                if (null == rootNode) {
                    // Start with a clean slate

                    // Select the root node of the site map from Microsoft Access.
                    int rootNodeId = -1;

                    if (accessConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                    OleDbCommand rootNodeCommand =
                        new OleDbCommand("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid IS NULL",
                    OleDbDataReader rootNodeReader = rootNodeCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if(rootNodeReader.HasRows) {
                        rootNodeId = rootNodeReader.GetInt32(0);
                        // Create a SiteMapNode that references the current StaticSiteMapProvider.
                        rootNode   = new SiteMapNode(this,

                    else return null;

                    // Select the child nodes of the root node.
                    OleDbCommand childNodesCommand =
                        new OleDbCommand("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid = ?",
                    OleDbParameter rootParam = new OleDbParameter("parentid", OleDbType.Integer);
                    rootParam.Value = rootNodeId;

                    OleDbDataReader childNodesReader = childNodesCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    if (childNodesReader.HasRows) {

                        SiteMapNode childNode = null;
                        while(childNodesReader.Read()) {
                            childNode =  new SiteMapNode(this,

                            // Use the SiteMapNode AddNode method to add
                            // the SiteMapNode to the ChildNodes collection.
                            AddNode(childNode, rootNode);

                return rootNode;
#using <System.Data.dll>
#using <System.Transactions.dll>
#using <System.EnterpriseServices.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Web.dll>
#using <System.Configuration.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
using namespace System::Configuration;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Data::OleDb;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Web;

/// An extremely simple AccessSiteMapProvider that only supports a
/// site map node hierarchy 1 level deep.

public ref class AccessSiteMapProvider: public StaticSiteMapProvider
   SiteMapNode ^ rootNode;
   OleDbConnection^ accessConnection;

   // This string is case sensitive.
   String^ AccessConnectionStringName;

   // Implement a default constructor.
      initialized = false;
      AccessConnectionStringName = "accessSiteMapConnectionString";


   // Some basic state to help track the initialization state of the provider.
   bool initialized;


   property bool IsInitialized 
      virtual bool get()
         return initialized;


   property SiteMapNode ^ RootNode 

      // Return the root node of the current site map.
      virtual SiteMapNode ^ get() override
         SiteMapNode ^ temp = nullptr;
         temp = BuildSiteMap();
         return temp;



   virtual SiteMapNode ^ GetRootNodeCore() override
      return RootNode;


   // Initialize is used to initialize the properties and any state that the
   // AccessProvider holds, but is not used to build the site map.
   // The site map is built when the BuildSiteMap method is called.
   virtual void Initialize( String^ name, NameValueCollection^ attributes ) override
      if ( IsInitialized )

      StaticSiteMapProvider::Initialize( name, attributes );

      // Create and test the connection to the Microsoft Access database.
      // Retrieve the Value of the Access connection string from the
      // attributes NameValueCollection.
      String^ connectionString = attributes[ AccessConnectionStringName ];
      if ( nullptr == connectionString || connectionString->Length == 0 )
            throw gcnew Exception( "The connection string was not found." );
            accessConnection = gcnew OleDbConnection( connectionString );

      initialized = true;


   /// SiteMapProvider and StaticSiteMapProvider methods that this derived class must override.
   // Clean up any collections or other state that an instance of this may hold.
   virtual void Clear() override
      System::Threading::Monitor::Enter( this );
         rootNode = nullptr;
         System::Threading::Monitor::Exit( this );



   // Build an in-memory representation from persistent
   // storage, and return the root node of the site map.
   virtual SiteMapNode ^ BuildSiteMap() override
      // Since the SiteMap class is static, make sure that it is
      // not modified while the site map is built.
      System::Threading::Monitor::Enter( this );

         // If there is no initialization, this method is being
         // called out of order.
         if (  !IsInitialized )
            throw gcnew Exception( "BuildSiteMap called incorrectly." );

         // If there is no root node, then there is no site map.
         if ( nullptr == rootNode )

            // Start with a clean slate

            // Select the root node of the site map from Microsoft Access.
            int rootNodeId = -1;
            if ( accessConnection->State == ConnectionState::Closed )

            OleDbCommand^ rootNodeCommand = gcnew OleDbCommand
               ("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid IS NULL", accessConnection);
            OleDbDataReader^ rootNodeReader = rootNodeCommand->ExecuteReader();
            if ( rootNodeReader->HasRows )
               rootNodeId = rootNodeReader->GetInt32( 0 );

               // Create a SiteMapNode that references the current StaticSiteMapProvider.
               rootNode = gcnew SiteMapNode(this, rootNodeId.ToString(), 
                  rootNodeReader->GetString( 1 ),rootNodeReader->GetString( 2 ));
               return nullptr;

            // Select the child nodes of the root node.
            OleDbCommand^ childNodesCommand = gcnew OleDbCommand
               ("SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE parentnodeid = ?", accessConnection);
            OleDbParameter^ rootParam = gcnew OleDbParameter( "parentid", OleDbType::Integer);
            rootParam->Value = rootNodeId;
            childNodesCommand->Parameters->Add( rootParam );
            OleDbDataReader^ childNodesReader = childNodesCommand->ExecuteReader();
            if ( childNodesReader->HasRows )
               SiteMapNode ^ childNode = nullptr;
               while ( childNodesReader->Read() )
                  childNode = gcnew SiteMapNode( this, 
                      System::Convert::ToString(childNodesReader->GetInt32( 0 )),
                     childNodesReader->GetString( 1 ),
                     childNodesReader->GetString( 2 ) 
                  // Use the SiteMapNode AddNode method to add
                  // the SiteMapNode to the ChildNodes collection.
                  AddNode( childNode, rootNode );
         return rootNode;
         System::Threading::Monitor::Exit( this );



package Samples.AspNet.JSL;
import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.Collections.Specialized.*;
import System.Data.*;
import System.Data.OleDb.*;
import System.Web.*;
import System.Configuration.*;

/// An extremely simple AccessSiteMapProvider that only supports a
/// site map node hierarchy 1 level deep.
public class AccessSiteMapProvider extends StaticSiteMapProvider
    private SiteMapNode rootNode = null;
    private OleDbConnection accessConnection = null;

    // This string is case sensitive.
    public String accessConnectionStringName = "accessSiteMapConnectionString";

    // Implement a default constructor.
    public AccessSiteMapProvider()
    } //AccessSiteMapProvider 

    // Some basic state to help track the initialization state of the provider.
    private boolean initialized = false;

    /** @property 
    public boolean get_IsInitialized()
        return initialized;
    } //get_IsInitized.

    // Return the root node of the current site map.
    /** @property 
    public SiteMapNode get_RootNode() throws Exception
        SiteMapNode temp = null;
        temp = BuildSiteMap();
        return temp;
    } //get_RootNode

    // Initialize is used to initialize the properties and any state that the
    // AccessProvider holds, but is not used to build the site map.
    // The site map is built when the BuildSiteMap method is called.
    public void Initialize(String name, NameValueCollection attributes) 
        throws Exception
        if (get_IsInitialized())

        super.Initialize(name, attributes);
        // Create and test the connection to the Microsoft Access database.
        // Retrieve the Value of the Access connection string from the
        // attributes NameValueCollection.
        String connectionString = attributes.get_Item(

        if (null == connectionString || connectionString.get_Length() == 0)
            throw new Exception("The connection string was not found.");
            accessConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
        initialized = true;
    } //Initialize

    /// SiteMapProvider and StaticSiteMapProvider methods that this 
    /// derived class must override.
    // Clean up any collections or other state that an instance of this may hold.
    protected void Clear()
        synchronized (this)
            rootNode = null;
    } //Clear

    // Build an in-memory representation from persistent
    // storage, and return the root node of the site map.
    public SiteMapNode BuildSiteMap() throws Exception
        // Since the SiteMap class is static, make sure that it is
        // not modified while the site map is built.
        synchronized (this)
            // If there is no initialization, this method is being
            // called out of order.
            if (!get_IsInitialized())
                throw new Exception("BuildSiteMap called incorrectly.");
            // If there is no root node, then there is no site map.
            if (null == rootNode)
                // Start with a clean slate
                // Select the root node of the site map from Microsoft Access.
                int rootNodeId = -1;

                if (accessConnection.get_State().Equals(ConnectionState.Closed))

                OleDbCommand rootNodeCommand = new OleDbCommand(
                    "SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE "
                    + "parentnodeid IS NULL", accessConnection);
                OleDbDataReader rootNodeReader = rootNodeCommand.ExecuteReader();

                if (rootNodeReader.get_HasRows())
                    rootNodeId = rootNodeReader.GetInt32(0);
                    // Create a SiteMapNode that references the current 
                    // StaticSiteMapProvider.
                    rootNode = new SiteMapNode(this,
                        ((Int32)rootNodeId).ToString(), rootNodeReader.
                        GetString(1), rootNodeReader.GetString(2));
                    return null;
                // Select the child nodes of the root node.
                OleDbCommand childNodesCommand = new OleDbCommand(
                    "SELECT nodeid, url, name FROM SiteMap WHERE "
                    + "parentnodeid = ?", accessConnection);
                OleDbParameter rootParam = new OleDbParameter("parentid",

                OleDbDataReader childNodesReader = childNodesCommand.

                if (childNodesReader.get_HasRows())
                    SiteMapNode childNode = null;
                    while (childNodesReader.Read())
                        childNode = new SiteMapNode(this,
                        // Use the SiteMapNode AddNode method to add
                        // the SiteMapNode to the ChildNodes collection.
                        AddNode(childNode, rootNode);

            return rootNode;
    } //BuildSiteMap

    protected SiteMapNode GetRootNodeCore()
        return null;
    } //GetRootNodeCore
} //AccessSiteMapProvider 


Для создания таблицы Access, используемой в предыдущем примере кода в качестве хранилища данных карты веб-узла, следует выдать следующий запрос определения данных в новой или существующей базе данных Access и затем сохранить ее с именем файла Sitemap.mdb.

  URL Text (255) UNIQUE,
  NAME Text (255) NOT NULL,

Заполните таблицу следующими видами данных, перечисляя уже имеющиеся файлы веб-узла или файлы, которые будут созданы позже. В следующей таблице представлен пример перечисления файлов.






Файл Default.aspx

По умолчанию

null (пустая ячейка)


Файл Catalog.aspx




Файл Aboutus.aspx

Контактные данные



Так как источники данных содержат отличающийся синтаксис SQL, некоторые команды будут работать с одним определенным источником данных. Поэтому рекомендуется создавать поставщик карты веб-узла, связанный с используемым источником данных, даже если для доступа к источнику данных применяется поставщик данных .NET Framework для ODBC или поставщик данных платформы .NET Framework для OLE DB (например, SybaseSiteMapProvider, OracleSiteMapProvider и другие).

Класс AccessSiteMapProvider является производным от класса StaticSiteMapProvider и получает сведения из базы данных Access, используя основные SQL-запросы и объекты OleDbCommand и OleDbDataReader.

Наконец, объект AccessSiteMapProvider настроен в качестве поставщика по умолчанию в файле Web.config, как показано в следующем примере кода:

    <siteMap defaultProvider="AccessSiteMapProvider">
          type="<type name>"
          accessSiteMapConnectionString="PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=<path>\sitemap.mdb "/>

Для изменения этого примера замените <type name> на полное имя класса, реализующего поставщик карты веб-узла. Например, в коде C#, приведенном выше, следует заменить <type name> на Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls.AccessSiteMapProvider. Если выполняется компиляция кода поставщика карты веб-узла и он размещается в каталоге Bin, строка <type name> также должна содержать имя скомпилированного файла без его расширения. Например, после компиляции кода C#, приведенного выше, в файл Samples.AspNet.dll необходимо заменить <type name> на Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls.AccessSiteMapProvider.Samples.AspNet. Наконец, замените <path> на абсолютный физический путь к базе данных карты веб-узла.


При наследовании от класса StaticSiteMapProvider необходимо переопределить следующие члены: BuildSiteMap и GetRootNodeCore.

Надежное программирование

При расширении класса StaticSiteMapProvider используются три наиболее важных метода: GetRootNodeCore, Initialize и BuildSiteMap. Реализация методов Clear и FindSiteMapNode задана по умолчанию, и является достаточной для большинства пользовательских реализаций поставщиков карт веб-узлов.

См. также

Основные понятия

Общие сведения об структуре переходов веб-узла ASP.NET

Безопасность системы навигации веб-узла ASP.NET

Безопасность доступа к данным









Другие ресурсы

Безопасность приложений ASP.NET в средах выполнения