Modifies the window styles of the CWindow object.
BOOL ModifyStyle(
DWORD dwRemove,
DWORD dwAdd,
UINT nFlags = 0
) throw();
[in] Specifies the window styles to be removed during style modification.dwAdd
[in] Specifies the window styles to be added during style modification.nFlags
[in] Window-positioning flags. For a list of possible values, see the SetWindowPos function in the Windows SDK.
Возвращаемое значение
TRUE if the window styles are modified; otherwise, FALSE.
Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise OR ( | ) operator. See the CreateWindow function in the Windows SDK* *for information about the available window styles.
If nFlags is nonzero, ModifyStyle calls the Win32 function SetWindowPos, and redraws the window by combining nFlags with the following four flags:
SWP_NOSIZE Retains the current size.
SWP_NOMOVE Retains the current position.
SWP_NOZORDER Retains the current Z order.
SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window.
To modify a window's extended styles, call ModifyStyleEx.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::ModifyStyle() to add and remove the window styles
CWindow myWindow;
//The following line removes the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style from the
//window and adds the WS_CAPTION style to the window
Header: atlwin.h