Arranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows.
UINT ArrangeIconicWindows( );
Возвращаемое значение
The height of one row of icons if the function is successful; otherwise 0.
This member function also arranges icons on the desktop window, which covers the entire screen. The GetDesktopWindow member function retrieves a pointer to the desktop window object.
To arrange iconic MDI child windows in an MDI client window, call CMDIFrameWnd::MDIIconArrange.
// arrange minimized MDI child windows
// called from menu item; CMdiChildFrame is derived from CMDIChildWnd
void CMdiChildFrame::OnActionArrangeIconicWindows()
UINT height = GetParent()->ArrangeIconicWindows();
TRACE(_T("height = %d\n"), height);
Header: afxwin.h