CUrl Class
This class represents a URL. It allows you to manipulate each element of the URL independently of the others whether parsing an existing URL string or building a string from scratch.
class CUrl
CUrl allows you to manipulate the fields of a URL, such as the path or port number. CUrl understands URLs of the following form:
(Some fields are optional.) For example, consider this URL:
CUrl::CrackUrl parses it as follows:
Scheme: "http" or ATL_URL_SCHEME_HTTP
UserName: "someone"
Password: "secret"
HostName: ""
PortNumber: 80
UrlPath: "visualc/stuff.htm"
ExtraInfo: "#contents"
To manipulate the UrlPath field (for instance), you would use GetUrlPath, GetUrlPathLength, and SetUrlPath. You would use CreateUrl to create the complete URL string.
Header: atlutil.h