Call this function to determine the type of conversion selected in the Convert dialog box.
UINT GetSelectionType( ) const;
Возвращаемое значение
Type of selection made.
The return type values are specified by the Selection enumeration type declared in the COleConvertDialog class.
enum Selection
Brief descriptions of these values follow:
COleConvertDialog::noConversion Returned if either the dialog box was canceled or the user selected no conversion. If COleConvertDialog::DoModal returned IDOK, it is possible that the user selected a different icon than the one previously selected.
COleConvertDialog::convertItem Returned if the Convert To radio button was checked, the user selected a different item to convert to, and DoModal returned IDOK.
COleConvertDialog::activateAs Returned if the Activate As radio button was checked, the user selected a different item to activate, and DoModal returned IDOK.
Header: afxodlgs.h