Call this function to set the desired CBRS_ styles for the control bar.
void SetBarStyle(
DWORD dwStyle
The desired styles for the control bar. Can be one or more of the following:CBRS_ALIGN_TOP Allows the control bar to be docked to the top of the client area of a frame window.
CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM Allows the control bar to be docked to the bottom of the client area of a frame window.
CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT Allows the control bar to be docked to the left side of the client area of a frame window.
CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT Allows the control bar to be docked to the right side of the client area of a frame window.
CBRS_ALIGN_ANY Allows the control bar to be docked to any side of the client area of a frame window.
CBRS_BORDER_TOP Causes a border to be drawn on the top edge of the control bar when it would be visible.
CBRS_BORDER_BOTTOM Causes a border to be drawn on the bottom edge of the control bar when it would be visible.
CBRS_BORDER_LEFT Causes a border to be drawn on the left edge of the control bar when it would be visible.
CBRS_BORDER_RIGHT Causes a border to be drawn on the right edge of the control bar when it would be visible.
CBRS_FLOAT_MULTI Allows multiple control bars to be floated in a single mini-frame window.
CBRS_TOOLTIPS Causes tool tips to be displayed for the control bar.
CBRS_FLYBY Causes message text to be updated at the same time as tool tips.
CBRS_GRIPPER Causes a gripper, similar to that used on bands in a CReBar object, to be drawn for any CControlBar-derived class.
Does not affect the WS_ (window style) settings.
Header: afxext.h