Macros for OLE DB Provider Templates
The OLE DB Templates Provider macros offer functionality in the following categories:
Property Set Map Macros
Marks the beginning of a property set. |
Marks the beginning of a property set. |
Marks the beginning of a property set that can be hidden or defined outside the scope of the provider. |
Chains property groups together. |
Marks the end of a property set. |
Marks the end of a property set map. |
Sets a specific property in a property set to a default value. |
Sets a specific property in a property set to a value supplied by you. Also enables you to set flags and options. |
Sets a specific property in a property set to a value supplied by you. |
Column Map Macros
Marks the beginning of the provider column map entries. |
Marks the end of the provider column map entries. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. You can specify the column's size, data type, precision, scale, and schema rowset GUID. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. You can specify the column data type. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. You can specify the column size. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. It assumes the column type is a string. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. Like PROVIDER_COLUMN_ENTRY_LENGTH, but also allows you to specify the column's data type as well as size. |
Represents a specific column supported by the provider. It assumes the column type is a Unicode character string. |
Schema Rowset Macros
Marks the beginning of a schema map. |
Associates a GUID with a class. |
Marks the end of a schema map. |
См. также
Основные понятия
OLE DB Provider Templates (C++)