Call this function to set the formatting rectangle of a multiple-line edit control.
void SetRectNP(
- lpRect
Points to a RECT structure or CRect object that specifies the new dimensions of the rectangle.
The formatting rectangle is the limiting rectangle of the text, which is independent of the size of the edit-control window.
SetRectNP is identical to the SetRect member function except that the edit-control window is not redrawn.
When the edit control is first created, the formatting rectangle is the same as the client area of the edit-control window. By calling the SetRectNP member function, an application can make the formatting rectangle larger or smaller than the edit-control window.
If the edit control has no scroll bar, text will be clipped, not wrapped, if the formatting rectangle is made larger than the window.
This member is processed only by multiple-line edit controls.
For more information, see EM_SETRECTNP in the Windows SDK.
See the example for CEdit::SetRect.
Header: afxwin.h