Как выполнить запрос, возвращающий тип-примитив (платформа Entity Framework)
В этом разделе приведены примеры выполнения запросов, возвращающих тип-примитив. Один и тот же пример приводится с использованием всех следующих технологий запросов Entity Framework:
LINQ to Entities
Entity SQL и ObjectQuery<T>
Методы построителя запросов класса ObjectQuery<T>
Примеры в этом разделе основаны на модели Adventure Works Sales. Чтобы запустить код, используемый в данном примере, нужно сначала добавить к проекту модель AdventureWorks Sales и настроить его для использования платформы Entity Framework. Для этого выполните инструкции из разделов Как вручную настроить проект Entity Framework и Как определить модель EDM вручную (платформа Entity Framework). Для определения модели AdventureWorks Sales можно также использовать мастер моделей EDM. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Как использовать мастер моделей EDM (платформа Entity Framework).
Далее приводится пример на языке LINQ to Entities.
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using advWorksContext As New AdventureWorksEntities
'Select a value.
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) _
= advWorksContext.SalesOrderHeader
Dim orderQuery = _
From order In orders _
Where order.Contact.ContactID = contactId _
Select order.PurchaseOrderNumber.Length
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As IQueryable(Of Date?) = _
From order In orders _
Where order.Contact.ContactID = contactId _
Select order.ShipDate
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If Not shipDate = Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
Catch ex As EntitySqlException
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
End Try
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities advWorksContext
= new AdventureWorksEntities())
// Select a value.
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders
= advWorksContext.SalesOrderHeader;
IQueryable<Int32> orderQuery =
from order in orders
where order.Contact.ContactID == contactId
select order.PurchaseOrderNumber.Length;
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
IQueryable<DateTime?> shipDateQuery =
from order in orders
where order.Contact.ContactID == contactId
select order.ShipDate;
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (DateTime? shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
catch (EntitySqlException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
Далее приводится пример на языке Entity SQL.
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using advWorksContext As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orderQueryString As String = "SELECT VALUE Length(order.PurchaseOrderNumber) " & _
"FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeader AS order " & _
"WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId"
Dim shipDateQueryString As String = "SELECT VALUE order.ShipDate " & _
"FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeader AS order " & _
"WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId"
' Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
Dim orderQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Int32) = _
New ObjectQuery(Of Int32)(orderQueryString, _
advWorksContext, MergeOption.NoTracking)
orderQuery.Parameters.Add( _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Nullable(Of Date)) = _
New ObjectQuery(Of Nullable(Of Date))(shipDateQueryString, _
advWorksContext, MergeOption.NoTracking)
shipDateQuery.Parameters.Add( _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If Not shipDate = Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
Catch ex As EntityException
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
End Try
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities advWorksContext =
new AdventureWorksEntities())
string orderQueryString = @"SELECT VALUE Length(order.PurchaseOrderNumber)
FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeader AS order
WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId";
string shipDateQueryString = @"SELECT VALUE order.ShipDate
FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderHeader AS order
WHERE order.CustomerID = @contactId";
// Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
ObjectQuery<Int32> orderQuery =
new ObjectQuery<Int32>(orderQueryString,
advWorksContext, MergeOption.NoTracking);
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId));
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>> shipDateQuery =
new ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>>(shipDateQueryString,
advWorksContext, MergeOption.NoTracking);
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId));
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Nullable<DateTime> shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
catch (EntityException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
Далее приведен пример метода построителя запросов.
Dim contactId As Integer = 377
Using advWorksContext As New AdventureWorksEntities
' Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
Dim orderQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Int32) = _
advWorksContext.SalesOrderHeader _
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId", _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId)) _
.SelectValue(Of Int32)("Length(it.PurchaseOrderNumber)")
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each result In orderQuery
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result)
' Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
Dim shipDateQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Nullable(Of Date)) = _
advWorksContext.SalesOrderHeader _
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId", _
New ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId)) _
.SelectValue(Of Nullable(Of Date))("it.ShipDate")
' Iterate through the collection of values.
For Each shipDate In shipDateQuery
Dim shipDateMessage As String = "date not set"
If Not shipDate = Nothing Then
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString()
End If
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage)
Catch ex As EntitySqlException
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
End Try
End Using
int contactId = 377;
using (AdventureWorksEntities advWorksContext =
new AdventureWorksEntities())
// Use the SelectValue method to select a value.
ObjectQuery<Int32> orderQuery =
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId",
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Int32 result in orderQuery)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);
// Use a nullable DateTime value because ShipDate can be null.
ObjectQuery<Nullable<DateTime>> shipDateQuery =
.Where("it.CustomerID = @contactId",
new ObjectParameter("contactId", contactId))
// Iterate through the collection of values.
foreach (Nullable<DateTime> shipDate in shipDateQuery)
string shipDateMessage = "date not set";
if (shipDate != null)
shipDateMessage = shipDate.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Ship Date: {0}.", shipDateMessage);
catch (EntitySqlException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
См. также
Как выполнить запрос, возвращающий тип сущности (платформа Entity Framework)
Как выполнить запрос, возвращающий анонимный тип (платформа Entity Framework)
Как выполнить параметризованный запрос (платформа Entity Framework)
Основные понятия
Методы построителя запросов (платформа Entity Framework)