RemoteAgent - класс
Обновлен: Ноябрь 2007
Используется для развертывания приложений агентов устройств на устройстве и обмена данными между настольным компьютером и смарт-устройством.
Пространство имен: Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity
Сборка: Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity (в Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.dll)
Public Class RemoteAgent
Dim instance As RemoteAgent
public class RemoteAgent
public ref class RemoteAgent
public class RemoteAgent
Используйте метод Device.GetRemoteAgent для получения экземпляра.
Используйте этот класс для развертывания агентов устройств, которые осуществляют обмен данными и/или выполняют пользовательские задачи, недоступные в классе FileDeployer, RemoteProcess или Device. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Управление устройствами с помощью API подключения интеллектуальных устройств.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity
Class [source]
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Get the datastore object
Dim dsmgr As New DatastoreManager(1033)
' Get the platform object
Dim platform As Platform = GetPlatformByName("Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK", dsmgr)
' Get the default device in the platform, usually an emulator.
Dim device As Device = platform.GetDevice(platform.GetDefaultDeviceId())
If device.IsConnected() Then
' Copy and start a device agent based on the ID of its add-on package.
Dim ra As RemoteAgent = device.GetRemoteAgent( _
New ObjectId("CAF078AE-2E10-43e2-B566-C4577F2538C7"))
ra.Start("command line argument")
' Open communication channel with device agent.
Dim ps As DevicePacketStream = ra.CreatePacketStream( _
New ObjectId("2FAD740C-B5D3-4ad0-BE23-5682503584BF"))
' Create and write a packet of data.
Dim packet As Packet
packet = New Packet()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 3
Next i
packet.WriteString("Hello Smart Device")
' While stream is connected, try to read a packet.
While ps.IsConnected()
If ps.IsPacketAvailable() Then
packet = ps.Read()
While Not packet.IsEndOfPacket()
Select Case packet.ReadDataType()
Case DataType.BoolType
Dim boolValue As Boolean = packet.ReadBool()
Case DataType.ByteArrayType
Dim buffer As Byte() = packet.ReadBytes()
Case DataType.ByteType
Dim byteValue As Byte = packet.ReadByte()
Case DataType.CharType
Dim charValue As Char = packet.ReadChar()
Case DataType.Int32Type
Console.WriteLine("Int32Type: " + packet.ReadInt32().ToString())
Case DataType.StringType
Console.WriteLine("String: " + packet.ReadString())
Case Else
End Select
End While
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
End Sub 'Main
' Returns a platform if the supplied name can be found in the datastore.
' Returns null pointer if platform cannot be found
Private Shared Function GetPlatformByName(ByVal p As String, _
ByVal dsmgr As DatastoreManager) As Platform
' Get all platforms in the datastore.
Dim platforms As Collection(Of Platform) = dsmgr.GetPlatforms()
' Find the platform whose name matches the parameter.
Dim platform As Platform
For Each platform In platforms
If platform.Name = p Then
Return platform
End If
Next platform
Return Nothing
End Function 'GetPlatformByName
End Class '[source]
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity;
class source
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get the datastore object
DatastoreManager dsmgr = new DatastoreManager(1033);
// Get the platform object
Platform platform = GetPlatformByName("Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK", dsmgr);
// Get the default device in the platform, usually an emulator.
Device device = platform.GetDevice(platform.GetDefaultDeviceId());
if (device.IsConnected())
// Copy and start a device agent based on the ID of its add-on package.
RemoteAgent ra = device.GetRemoteAgent(
new ObjectId("CAF078AE-2E10-43e2-B566-C4577F2538C8"));
ra.Start("command line argument");
// Open communication channel with device agent.
DevicePacketStream ps = ra.CreatePacketStream(
new ObjectId("2FAD740C-B5D3-4ad0-BE23-5682503584BF"));
// Create and write a packet of data.
Packet packet;
packet = new Packet();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) packet.WriteInt32(i);
packet.WriteString("Hello Smart Device");
// While stream is connected, try to read a packet.
while (ps.IsConnected())
if (ps.IsPacketAvailable())
packet = ps.Read();
while (!packet.IsEndOfPacket())
switch (packet.ReadDataType())
case DataType.BoolType:
bool boolValue = packet.ReadBool();
case DataType.ByteArrayType:
byte[] buffer = packet.ReadBytes();
case DataType.ByteType:
byte byteValue = packet.ReadByte();
case DataType.CharType:
char charValue = packet.ReadChar();
case DataType.Int32Type:
Console.WriteLine("Int32Type: " + packet.ReadInt32().ToString());
case DataType.StringType:
Console.WriteLine("String: " + packet.ReadString());
// Returns a platform if the supplied name can be found in the datastore.
// Returns null pointer if platform cannot be found
private static Platform GetPlatformByName(string p, DatastoreManager dsmgr)
// Get all platforms in the datastore.
Collection<Platform> platforms = dsmgr.GetPlatforms();
// Find the platform whose name matches the parameter.
foreach (Platform platform in platforms)
if (platform.Name == p) return platform;
return null;
Иерархия наследования
Любые открытые члены этого типа, объявленные как static (Shared в Visual Basic), являются потокобезопасными. Потокобезопасность членов экземпляров не гарантируется.