Calculates the preferred height of the link text for the current link control, depending on the specified width of the link.
int GetIdealSize(
int cxMaxWidth,
SIZE* pSize
) const;
Parameter |
Description |
[in] cxMaxWidth |
The maximum width of the link, in pixels. |
[out] *pSize |
A pointer to a Windows SIZE structure. When this method returns, the cy member of the SIZE structure contains the ideal link text height for the link text width that is specified by cxMaxWidth. The cx member of the structure contains the link text width that is actually needed. |
Возвращаемое значение
The preferred height of the link text, in pixels.
This method sends the LM_GETIDEALSIZE message, which is described in the Windows SDK.
Header: afxcmn.h
This method is supported in Windows Vista and later.
Additional requirements for this method are described in Build Requirements for Windows Vista Common Controls.