_lrotl, _lrotr
Rotates bits to the left (_lrotl) or right (_lrotr).
unsigned long _lrotl(
unsigned long value,
int shift
unsigned long _lrotr(
unsigned long value,
int shift
Value to be rotated.shift
Number of bits to shift value.
Возвращаемое значение
Both functions return the rotated value. There is no error return.
The _lrotl and _lrotr functions rotate value by shift bits. _lrotl rotates the value left. _lrotr rotates the value right. Both functions wrap bits rotated off one end of value to the other end.
Routine |
Required header |
_lrotl |
<stdlib.h> |
_lrotr |
<stdlib.h> |
For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.
All versions of the C run-time libraries.
// crt_lrot.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
unsigned long val = 0x0fac35791;
printf( "0x%8.8lx rotated left eight times is 0x%8.8lx\n",
val, _lrotl( val, 8 ) );
printf( "0x%8.8lx rotated right four times is 0x%8.8lx\n",
val, _lrotr( val, 4 ) );
0xfac35791 rotated left eight times is 0xc35791fa 0xfac35791 rotated right four times is 0x1fac3579
Эквивалент в .NET Framework
Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.