Retrieves the text that is displayed as the text cue, or tip, in an edit control when the control is empty.
BOOL GetCueBanner(
LPWSTR lpszText,
int cchText
) const;
CString GetCueBanner() const;
[out] lpszText
A pointer to a string that contains the cue text.[in] cchText
The number of characters that can be received. This number includes the terminating NULL character.
Возвращаемое значение
For the first overload, true if the method is successful; otherwise false.
For the second overload, a CString that contains the cue text if the method is successful; otherwise, the empty string ("").
This method sends the EM_GETCUEBANNER message, which is described in the Windows SDK. For more information, see the Edit_GetCueBannerText macro.
Header: afxwin.h
This control is supported in Windows XP and later.
Additional requirements for this method are described in Build Requirements for Windows Vista Common Controls.