COleVariant Class
Encapsulates the VARIANT data type.
class COleVariant : public tagVARIANT
This data type is used in OLE automation. Specifically, the DISPPARAMS structure contains a pointer to an array of VARIANT structures. A DISPPARAMS structure is used to pass parameters to IDispatch::Invoke.
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This class is derived from the VARIANT structure. This means you can pass a COleVariant in a parameter that calls for a VARIANT and that the data members of the VARIANT structure are accessible data members of COleVariant. |
The two related MFC classes COleCurrency and COleDateTime encapsulate the variant data types CURRENCY (VT_CY) and DATE (VT_DATE). The COleVariant class is used extensively in the DAO classes; see these classes for typical usage of this class, for example CDaoQueryDef and CDaoRecordset.
For more information, see the VARIANT, CURRENCY, DISPPARAMS, and IDispatch::Invoke entries in the Windows SDK.
For more information on the COleVariant class and its use in OLE automation, see "Passing Parameters in OLE Automation" in the article Automation.
Header: afxdisp.h