Called when the user interface (UI) state should be changed.
afx_msg void OnChangeUIState(
UINT nAction,
UINT nUIElement
Specifies the action to be taken. Can be one of the following values:UIS_CLEAR The UI state element (specified by nUIElement) should be hidden.
UIS_INITIALIZE The UI state element (specified by nUIElement) should be changed based on the last input event. For more information, see the Remarks section of WM_CHANGEUISTATE.
UIS_SET The UI state element (specified by nUIElement) should be visible.
Specifies which UI state elements are affected or the style of the control. Can be one of the following values:UISF_HIDEACCEL Keyboard accelerators.
UISF_HIDEFOCUS Focus indicators.
UISF_ACTIVE Windows XP: A control should be drawn in the style used for active controls.
This member function emulates the functionality of the WM_CHANGEUISTATE message, as described in the Windows SDK.
Header: afxwin.h