Sets the text in the given part of a status bar control.
BOOL SetText(
LPCTSTR lpszText,
int nPane,
int nType
Address of a null-terminated string specifying the text to set. If nType is SBT_OWNERDRAW, lpszText represents 32 bits of data.nPane
Zero-based index of the part to set. If this value is 255, the status bar control is assumed to be a simple control having only one part.nType
Type of drawing operation. It can be one of these values:0 The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the status bar.
SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.
SBT_OWNERDRAW The text is drawn by the parent window.
SBT_POPOUT The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the status bar.
Возвращаемое значение
Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.
The message invalidates the portion of the control that has changed, causing it to display the new text when the control next receives the WM_PAINT message.
VERIFY(m_wndSBC.SetText(_T("Text For Pane 1"), 1, 0));
Header: afxcmn.h