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Report Designer

Use the Report Designer to create and modify reports. When the Report Designer window is active, Visual FoxPro displays the Report menu and the Report Controls toolbar.

To quickly create a simple report layout, choose Quick Report on the Report menu. Quick Report prompts you for input on the fields and layout you want for your report.

When the Report Designer is open, you can manage foreground and background colors of report elements through additions to the Format menu, according to the following table:

Control Foreground Color Background Color
Label Enabled Disabled
Field Enabled Enabled
Line Enabled Enabled
Rectangle Enabled Enabled
Rounded Rectangle Enabled Enabled
Picture / Activex Bound Disabled Disabled

For detailed information on using the Report Designer, see "Formatting Options for Report Controls" in Formatting Field Controls.

The Report Designer uses bands and controls to manage the layout of data in a form.


By default, the Report Designer displays three bands; Page Header, Detail, and Page Footer. A separator bar is located at the bottom of each band. The name of the band type appears on the bar next to a blue arrow, which indicates that the band is above, not below, the bar.

Bands are added to the list of bands in the Bands option of the Report menu as you add them to your report by selecting Report menu options.

Band Printed Typical Contents
Column Header Once per column Column title
Column Footer Once per column Summary, totals
Group Header Once per group Preface to following data
Group Footer Once per group Calculated values for group data
Title Once per report Title
Date or page number
Company logo
Box around the title
Summary Once per report Grand totals
Text such as Grand Totals

Insert Control

This menu option displays controls of associated Report Controls Toolbar. When you select from this palette, Visual FoxPro places the report in tab mode and adds the control to the upper left corner of the report. Then, you can move or resize the control and tab from one control to the next. Use CTRL+tab to unselect the control, Use Alt+Enter to open the Properties window.


The Report Designer has a vertical and horizontal ruler you use to more precisely position objects in the bands. Use the ruler in conjunction with the View menu Show Position command to help you position objects.

The scale for the ruler is determined by your system measurement settings. You can change from the system default scale (inches or centimeters) to pixels from within Visual FoxPro. If you want to change to the system default, change the measurement setting for your operating system.

To change the ruler scale to pixels

Change this to pixels as follows:

  1. From the Format menu, choose Set Grid Scale. The Set Grid Scale dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Set Grid Scale dialog box, select Pixels and choose OK.

    The ruler scale is set to pixels, and the position indicator in the status bar (if Show Position is checked on the View menu) also displays positions in pixels.

The Report Designer in this version of Visual FoxPro also includes new keyboard navigation.

You can move easily between objects in the report in tab mode, which you control with CTRL+Tab to toggle into tab mode, then using Tab and Shift+Tab to move between report objects. Use CTRL+Tab to toggle tab mode off.

To edit labels you must first use CTRL+E to toggle into Label editing. Because you might use the Ctrl key to specify high ASCII characters, use ESC key to toggle out of Label editing. Other Designer navigation keys apply. For details, see keyboard access and control shortcuts in Help.

See Also

Quick Report Dialog Box | Report Wizard | Set Grid Scale Dialog Box | Table Designer | Controlling Report and Label Output | Formatting Field Controls