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Report Wizard: Step 2 – Group Records

You can use data grouping to categorize and sort your records so that they are easier to read. When you select a field in one of the Group by boxes, you can choose Grouping Options and Summary Options to refine your grouping selection.

Choosing Grouping Options opens the Grouping Intervals dialog box that lets you select levels of filtering that are relevant to the type of data contained in the fields you selected for grouping.

Choosing Summary Options opens a new dialog box that lets you specify from the following list the type of calculation to perform on specific numeric fields:

Summary Option Return
Sum Total of values in the specified numeric field
Avg Average of the values in the specified numeric field
Count A count of the number of records containing a non-nil value in the specified field
Min The minimum value in the specified numeric field
Max The maximum value in the specified numeric field

You can also choose Detail and Summary, Summary only, or No Totals for the report.

Fields that you select as groupings here are not available in Step 3 - Sort Records.

See Also

Report Wizard: Step 1 - Select Fields | Report Wizard: Step 3 - Choose Report Style | Report Wizard: Step 4 - Define Report Layout | Report Wizard: Step 5 - Sort Records | Report Wizard: Step 6 - Finish | Wizards Overview | Report Wizard