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_FindWindow( ) API Library Routine

Places the handle of the window that the point pt belongs to on the screen into wh.

int _FindWindow(WHANDLE FAR *wh, Point pt)
WHANDLE FAR *wh;      /* Pointer to window handle. */
Point pt;                     /* Point. */


_FindWindow( ) returns an integer indicating the portion of the window where the point is located. For example, _FindWindow( ) returns the value inContent if the point is inside the window.

Possible return values, as defined in PRO_EXT.H, are listed in the following table.

_FindWindow( ) Return Values

Value Point Location
inBorder In the window border
inHelp In the help region
inContent In the content/text area
inDrag On the title bar
inGrow On the size control
inGoAway On the close box
inZoom On the zoom control
inVUpArrow On the up arrow in the vertical scroll bar
inVDownArrow On the down arrow in the vertical scroll bar
inVPageUp In the page up region of the vertical scroll bar
inVPageDown In the page down region of the vertical scroll bar
inVThumb On the thumb in the vertical scroll bar
inHUpArrow On the right arrow in the horizontal scroll bar
inHDownArrow On the left arrow in the horizontal scroll bar
inHPageUp In the page right region of the horizontal scroll bar
inHPageDown In the page left region of the horizontal scroll bar
inHThumb On the thumb in the horizontal scroll bar
inMenuBar On the menu bar

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Accessing the Visual FoxPro API.


The following example waits for a left mouse button click and then uses _FindWindow( ) to get the window handle for the mouse down position.

Visual FoxPro Code

WAIT WINDOW  "Click mouse on a window" NOWAIT

C Code

#include <pro_ext.h>

void putLong(long n, int width)
   Value val;

   val.ev_type = 'I';
   val.ev_long = n;
   val.ev_width = width;

FAR FindWindowFn(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   WHANDLE wh;
   Point mousePos;
   int where;

//  Get mouse position when left button goes down
   while (_InKey(0, MOUSEACTIVE | HIDECURSOR) != 151);
   while (!_MousePos(&mousePos));

   switch (where = _FindWindow(&wh, mousePos))
      case inBorder:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inBorder"); break;
      case inHelp:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHelp"); break;
      case inContent:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inContent"); break;
      case inDrag:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inDrag"); break;
      case inGrow:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inGrow"); break;
      case inGoAway:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inGoAway"); break;
      case inZoom:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inZoom"); break;
      case inVUpArrow:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inVUpArrow"); break;
      case inVDownArrow:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inVDownArrow"); break;
      case inVPageUp:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inVPageUp"); break;
      case inVPageDown:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inVPageDown"); break;
      case inVThumb:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inVThumb"); break;
      case inHUpArrow:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHUpArrow"); break;
      case inHDownArrow:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHDownArrow"); break;
      case inHPageUp:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHPageUp"); break;
      case inHPageDown:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHPageDown"); break;
      case inHThumb:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inHThumb"); break;
      case inMenuBar:
         _PutStr("\nMouse down inMenuBar"); break;
         _PutStr("\nMouse down someplace else"); break;
   _GlobalToLocal(&mousePos, wh);
   _PutStr("\nPosition relative to window:");
   putLong(mousePos.v, 5);
   _PutChr(' ');
   putLong(mousePos.h, 5);

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] = {
   {"ONLOAD", (FPFI) FindWindowFn, CALLONLOAD, ""},
FoxTable _FoxTable = {
   (FoxTable FAR *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

See Also

_MousePos( ) API Library Routine | Accessing the Visual FoxPro API | _FindWindowP( ) API Library Routine