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ALANGUAGE( ) Function

Returns an array containing the names of all valid Visual FoxPro commands, functions, or base classes.

ALANGUAGE(ArrayName, nType)


  • ArrayName
    Specifies the name of the array to contain the language items. If the array doesn't exist, Visual FoxPro automatically creates the array. If the array exists and isn't large enough to contain all the data, Visual FoxPro automatically increases the size of the array to accommodate the information. If the array is larger than necessary, Visual FoxPro truncates the array.
  • nType
    Specifies the type of language item returned, according to the following list:
    Value Description Array Type
    1 Commands One-dimensional:
       Command name
    2 Functions

    Function name   [M] nParamR [- nParamT]

    The matchFlag, M, specifies that you must use the full
       function name in code.
    nParamR specifies the number of required parameters. nParamT specifies total number of possible parameters.

    3 Base classes
    Base Class name
    4 DBC Events
    DBC event name (The displayed name omits the "DBC_" prefix of the event name.)


The ALANGAUGE function returns an array of all valid Visual FoxPro commands and functions. To return object information, use the AMEMBERS( ) function.


Use the ALANGUAGE( ) function to access Visual FoxPro functions as in the following code:


The resulting array, FuncArr, will contain the following values:


JUSTSTEM( ) cannot be abbreviated and it requires one parameter.

   KEYMATCH, 1-4

KEYMATCH( ) can be abbreviated to four characters, and has one required, and three optional parameters (total = 4).


LASTKEY( ) can be abbreviated and requires no parameters.

See Also

Using Commands and Functions | LASTKEY( ) Function | KEYMATCH( ) Function | JUSTSTEM( ) Function