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Modify previously existing bitmap effects


In earlier versions of Microsoft Expression Blend, you could apply simple pixel-processing effects to objects by using the BitmapEffect property. You could apply one or more of the following effects:

  • Bevel   Create a bevel that raises the surface of an image according to a specified curve.

  • Blur   Simulate looking at an object through an out-of-focus lens.

  • Drop Shadow   Create a shadow behind an object.

  • Emboss   Apply bump mapping to a visual element to give the impression of depth and texture from an artificial light source.

  • Outer Glow   Create a halo of color around the perimeter of an object.

You can still modify existing bitmap effects in Expression Blend, but it is best to modify your projects to convert your old bitmap effects to the new effects.

To convert the old bitmap effects to new effects

If convenient, it is best to modify your projects to convert your old bitmap effects to the new effects by resetting the BitmapEffect property and then adding a comparable new effect. Otherwise, you can leave the old bitmap effects. The new effects do not have the same adverse effect on performance that the old bitmap effects had on large visuals or animations.

For more information, see Reset a property to its default value.

There are two key differences between the old bitmap effects and the new effects that might affect your decision to convert:

  • By default, Expression Blend comes with several built-in effects; however, you can import third-party effects that mimic the other old bitmap effects.

    For more information, see Import third-party or custom effects.

  • You can apply only one effect to an object at a time; however, you can mimic the results of multiple effects by grouping an object into a layout container and then adding a second effect to the layout container.

    For more information, see "To apply more than one effect to an object" in Apply, modify, or delete an effect.

  1. Select the object to which an old bitmap effect has already been applied (using an earlier version of Expression Blend).

  2. In the Properties panel, under Appearance, click Show advanced properties Ee341463.de239c9d-42ce-4f5e-83b9-5f9924c0431f(en-us,Expression.40).png to expand the Appearance category.

  3. Next to the BitmapEffect property, click Advanced options Ee341463.12e06962-5d8a-480d-a837-e06b84c545bb(en-us,Expression.40).png.

  4. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Reset.

    The old bitmap effect is removed.

  5. Apply one of the new effects to the object.

    For more information, see Apply, modify, or delete an effect.

To modify bitmap effects

In projects that were originally created using an earlier version of Expression Blend, you can still modify the properties of the old bitmap effects in Expression Blend.

In new projects created in Expression Blend, you can use only the new type of effects.

You cannot mix the old bitmap effects and the new type of effects on the same object.

To modify a single bitmap effect

  1. Select the object to which an old bitmap effect was applied using an earlier version of Expression Blend.

  2. In the Properties panel, under Appearance, click Show advanced properties Ee341463.de239c9d-42ce-4f5e-83b9-5f9924c0431f(en-us,Expression.40).png to expand the Appearance category.

  3. Click Expand Ee341463.6375953d-074c-421a-bbb3-6f5055b67b64(en-us,Expression.40).png next to BitmapEffect.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To change the appearance of the bitmap effect, modify the set of subproperties that appear under the BitmapEffect property.

    • To replace the existing bitmap effect with a new one, click the drop-down arrow Ee341463.a0767366-4aab-43b9-8fc3-945e3ac4563e(en-us,Expression.40).png next to BitmapEffect and select a bitmap effect from the list that appears.

To modify a bitmap effect group

  1. Select the object to which an old bitmap effect has already been applied (using an earlier version of Expression Blend).

  2. In the Properties panel, under Appearance, click Show advanced properties Ee341463.de239c9d-42ce-4f5e-83b9-5f9924c0431f(en-us,Expression.40).png to expand the Appearance category.

  3. Click Expand Ee341463.6375953d-074c-421a-bbb3-6f5055b67b64(en-us,Expression.40).png next to BitmapEffect.

  4. Click Edit items in this collection Ee341463.3f9fe48b-caf8-4989-8a91-017ba1e0cb77(en-us,Expression.40).png next to the Children subproperty.

  5. In the BitmapEffect Collection Editor dialog box, do one of the following:

    • To change the appearance of one of the bitmap effects, select the bitmap effect under Items, and then modify the values under Properties.

    • To add another bitmap effect to the group, click the drop-down arrow Ee341463.a0767366-4aab-43b9-8fc3-945e3ac4563e(en-us,Expression.40).png next to the Add another item button, and then select a bitmap effect from the list that appears.

See also


Applying effects

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