Duplicate and reverse a storyboard
You can quickly create a copy of a whole storyboard that plays from start to end or in reverse.
To duplicate and reverse a storyboard
With Storyboard1 selected in your Silverlight 1.0 project, click the drop-down arrow next to the New
button under Objects and Timeline, and then select Duplicate.
A new storyboard is created and opened. The new storyboard, named Storyboard_Copy1, is a duplicate of Storyboard1.
With Storyboard_Copy1 selected, click the drop-down arrow next to the New
button under Objects and Timeline, and then select Reverse. Storyboard_Copy1 is now a reverse copy of Storyboard1.
With Storyboard_Copy1 selected, select the MyPath object under Objects and Timeline, and then hold the SHIFT key when you select all the keyframes in the timeline.
On the Edit menu click Copy.
Open Storyboard1, move the timeline playhead to the last keyframe, select the last keyframe for the MyPath object, and then on the Edit menu, click Paste. The keyframes from Storyboard_Copy1 are appended to the end of Storyboard1.
Save all your files (CTRL+SHIFT+S), and then test the changes to your animation by pressing F5 and clicking in the browser window to trigger the animation storyboard.