How to Allow Unencrypted File Transfers for a Library Server
Назначение: Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1
Use the following procedure to allow unencrypted file transfers to and from a library server. In System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2, you can allow unencrypted file transfers for individual library servers and individual host groups. For files to be transferred unencrypted, unencrypted file transfers must be allowed on both the source and destination computer. This feature is not available in VMM 2008.
For future file transfers, if the target computer also allows unencrypted file transfers in VMM, the files will not be encrypted during the transfer. If a library server also serves as a virtual machine host in VMM, VMM does not encrypt local file transfers from library shares to other locations on the same computer during virtual machine creation and deployment.
Although the Add library server action does not allow you to configure the server to allow unencrypted file transfers, you can configure unencrypted file transfers if you use the Windows PowerShell – Virtual Machine Manager command shell to add the library server. Use the Add-LibraryServer cmdlet with the –AllowUnencryptedTransfers option set to True. Do not change this option while any file transfers are in progress on the library server.
To allow unencrypted file transfers for a library server
In Library view, expand Library Servers, and navigate to the library server that you want to modify.
In the Actions pane, under Library Server, click Properties.
Select the Allow unencrypted file transfers check box.
См. также
Другие ресурсы
Adding File-Based Resources to the Library
How to Modify the Properties of a Host Group