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File Types That Are Indexed During a Library Refresh

Назначение: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1

During a library refresh, Virtual Machine Manager indexes files stored on library shares and then updates Library view and resource listings. Not all files are indexed, and not all indexed files are displayed in Library view.

The following file types are added as library resources during library refreshes:

  • Virtual hard disks: .vhd (Hyper-V, Virtual Server), .vmdk (VMware)

  • Virtual floppy disks: .vfd (Virtual Server), .flp (VMware)

  • ISO image files: .iso

  • Scripts (answer files): .ps1 (Windows PowerShell); .inf or .xml (answer files)

  • VMware templates: .vmtx

Virtual hard disks, ISO images, and virtual floppy disks that are attached to a virtual machine, and the configuration files for stored virtual machines, are indexed in VMM but are not displayed as resources in Library view. Instead, they are represented by virtual machine objects, which appear in the Virtual Machines and Templates node of the navigation pane. The virtual machine configuration files are created by the virtualization software but are not used by Virtual Machine Manager, which stores the virtual machine’s configuration in the VMM database.

The following configuration files types are indexed but not added to the library as resources:

  • Hyper-V: .exp (export format), .vsv (saved state), .bin

  • Virtual Server: .vmc (virtual machine configuration), .vsv (saved state)

  • VMware: .vmtx (virtual machine configuration), .vmx (export format)

  • Virtual hard disks, ISO images, and virtual floppy disks that are attached to a virtual machine


Snapshots that are imported into the library with Hyper-V and VMware virtual machines are displayed on the Checkpoints tab of the virtual machine properties. The files that the snapshots are composed of are not displayed.

Pass-through disks that are attached to virtual machines created in Hyper-V or VMware are not stored in the library.

См. также

Основные понятия

How to Perform Manual Library Refreshes
Configuring the VMM Library

Другие ресурсы

How to Configure Library Refreshes