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Applies To: System Center 2012 - Service Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager

The Service Manager set of cmdlets includes the following cmdlets for managing management packs:

  • New-SCManagementPack: Creates a new management pack.

  • Import-SCManagementPack: Imports a management pack.

  • Export-SCManagementPack: Exports a management pack.

  • Get-SCManagementPack: Retrieves the list of imported management packs.

  • Remove-SCManagementPack: Removes a management pack.

  • Test-SCManagementPack: Tests the validity of a management pack .xml file.

  • Protect-SCManagementPack: Seals a management pack.

  • New-SCManagementPackBundle: Bundles management packs with their associated resources to create a management pack bundle.

About Management Packs

A management pack is an .xml file that contains definitions for objects such as classes, workflows, views, forms, reports, and knowledge articles. Importing a management pack to the environment enables some functionality of . The functionality that is enabled depends on the content of the imported management pack. Several management packs are pre-imported into to enable basic features such as Incident Management and Change Management. Some of the pre-imported management packs allow you to modify specific settings of these basic features. In addition, you can create your own custom management packs, and then import them to to extend basic functionality.

Using management packs is a useful method for backing up customizations to and for transferring these customizations to other deployments.

Sealed and Unsealed Management Packs

All management packs are initially unsealed. After you complete authoring and modifying a management pack, you can seal it to prevent any further updates to that management pack. Therefore, you can modify only unsealed management packs. After you sealed a management pack, you cannot unseal it.

Bundled Management Packs

A bundled management pack is an .mpb file that consists of multiple related management packs and any associated resources such as an image or a form assembly. To import a collection of related or dependent management packs along with their associated resources, you must first bundle all the respective files. Then you import the management pack bundle.

Using Management Packs Cmdlets

You can perform most tasks that are related to management packs by using either the or an equivalent cmdlet. For the operations that are not supported in the , you must use the appropriate cmdlets.

The Export-SCManagementPack and the Import-SCManagementPack cmdlets are typically used in combination. You can export a management pack that has been previously imported, and you can import a management pack that has been previously exported.

See Also

Other Resources

Using Management Packs in Service Manager 2010