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Configuration Manager Console Extension Architecture

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 console architecture is built on the following four distinct layers.

  • SMS Provider

  • Managed SMS Provider SDK

  • User interface framework

  • Configuration Manager console XML

SMS Provider in Configuration Manager 2007

The SMS Provider is essentially the same as the SMS 2003 Provider, with the addition of new classes that support new Configuration Manager features. You can access the SMS Provider through the usual WBEM interfaces, but for managed code you must use the managed SMS Provider SDK.

Managed SMS Provider SDK

The managed SMS Provider SDK provides a managed code library that abstracts the SMS Provider. It provides .NET Framework classes and interfaces that connect to the SMS Provider, make queries, and otherwise manipulate Configuration Manager objects and the site control file. You can use the managed SMS Provider SDK in stand-alone applications, or you can use the user interface framework to extend the existing Configuration Manager console.

For more information, see Managed SMS Provider Fundamentals in Configuration Manager.

User Interface Framework

The user interface framework lies on top of the managed SMS Provider SDK. The user interface framework provides functionality for dialog boxes and the Configuration Manager console, and it provides user interface validation within the Configuration Manager console. You can extend this user interface framework to add your own forms to the Configuration Manager console, or you can integrate your own forms within existing Configuration Manager console forms.

Configuration Manager Console XML

The Configuration Manager console XML defines how the Configuration Manager console looks and behaves. The XML defines nodes, queries, actions, forms, and everything else that is necessary to render the Configuration Manager console hierarchy, the results pane, and the action pane.

The XML files that are used by the Configuration Manager console are stored in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminUI\XmlStorage\. The following table shows the subfolders.

Folder Description


AdminConsole.xml - the Configuration Manager user interface definition.

ManagementClassDescriptions.xml: definitions for the SMS Provider classes.

ResourceExplorer.xml: definitions for the resource snap-in.


Location for XML that is related to the SMS Provider. There are three types of extension folders:


Various helper XML files.


Validation rules for the Configuration Manager console forms.

See Also


About Configuration Manager Console Extension
Configuration Manager Console Actions
Configuration Manager Console Folders
Configuration Manager Console Forms
Configuration Manager Console Views
Configuration Manager Console Folders