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Класс CubeCollection

Contains a read-only, on-demand list of CubeDef objects contained by an AdomdConnection.

Иерархия наследования


Пространство имен:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Сборка:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (в Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class CubeCollection _
    Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
Dim instance As CubeCollection
public sealed class CubeCollection : ICollection, 
public ref class CubeCollection sealed : ICollection, 
type CubeCollection =  
        interface ICollection 
        interface IEnumerable 
public final class CubeCollection implements ICollection, IEnumerable

Тип CubeCollection обеспечивает доступ к следующим элементам.


  Имя Описание
Открытое свойство Count Gets the number of CubeDef objects in the collection.
Открытое свойство IsSynchronized Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe).
Открытое свойство Item[Int32] Gets the specified CubeDef from the collection by its index. In Microsoft Visual C#, this property is the indexer for the CubeCollection class.
Открытое свойство Item[String] Gets the specified CubeDef from the collection by its name. In Microsoft Visual C#, this property is the indexer for the CubeCollection class.
Открытое свойство SyncRoot Gets an Object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.

В начало


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to the specified array.
Открытый метод Equals (Производный от Object.)
Открытый метод Find Gets the CubeDef from the collection by its specified name.
Открытый метод GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for iterating through the CubeCollection.
Открытый метод GetHashCode (Производный от Object.)
Открытый метод GetType (Производный от Object.)
Открытый метод ToString (Производный от Object.)

В начало

Явные реализации интерфейса

  Имя Описание
Явная реализация интерфейсаЗакрытый метод ICollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the CubeCollection to an array, starting at a particular array index.
Явная реализация интерфейсаЗакрытый метод IEnumerable.GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for iterating through the CubeCollection.

В начало


The following subroutine, given a connected instance of an AdomdConnection, iterates through the CubeCollection collection and displays various properties:

Public Sub ListCubes(ByRef ConnectionToCheck As AdomdConnection)

    ' Check the parameter before performing actions on it.
    If ConnectionToCheck Is Nothing Then
        Throw New System.ArgumentNullException("ConnectionToCheck")
    ElseIf ConnectionToCheck.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
        Throw New System.ArgumentException( _
            "The specified connection is not open.")
        ' Iterate through the Cubes collection of the
        ' AdomdConnection object.

            ' Note that this example does not provide 
            ' information about the various collections, such as
            ' NamedSets, provided by the Cube object. Because
            ' these collections are loaded on demand, you should
            ' reference them only if you need information
            ' from them.
            Dim cubeToCheck As CubeDef

            Debug.WriteLine("Found " & ConnectionToCheck.Cubes.Count & _
                " cubes in database:")

            For Each cubeToCheck In ConnectionToCheck.Cubes
                Debug.WriteLine("Cube:  " & cubeToCheck.Name)
                Debug.WriteLine("  Caption:        " & _
                Debug.WriteLine("  Description:    " & _
                Debug.WriteLine("  LastProcessed:  " & _
        Catch ex As AdomdConnectionException
            ' The connection could not be opened or was disconnected.
            ' This error can occur at any time, if the provider is 
            ' disconnected from the server.
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As AdomdErrorResponseException
            ' A response is received from a provider which indicates an error.
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As AdomdUnknownResponseException
            ' A response has been returned from the provider that 
            ' was not understood.
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As AdomdCacheExpiredException
            ' A cached version of an ADOMD.NET object is no longer valid.
            ' This error is typically raised when reviewing metadata.
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As AdomdException
            ' Any other error raised by ADOMD.NET.
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' Any other error.
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

Безопасность многопоточности

Любые открытые статический (Shared в Visual Basic) элементы этого типа потокобезопасны. Потокобезопасность с элементами экземпляров не гарантируется.

См. также


Пространство имен Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient