AddRoleMember |
AddServerRoleMember |
AddSignature |
AddSignatureSchemaObject |
AlterApplicationRole |
AlterAssembly |
AlterAsymmetricKey |
AlterAuthorizationDatabase |
AlterAuthorizationServer |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when an authorization server is altered. |
AlterBrokerPriority |
AlterCertificate |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a certificate is altered. |
AlterCredential |
AlterCryptographicProvider |
AlterDatabase |
AlterDatabaseAuditSpecification |
AlterDatabaseEncryptionKey |
AlterEndpoint |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a HTTP endpoint is altered. |
AlterEventSession |
AlterExtendedProperty |
AlterFulltextCatalog |
AlterFulltextIndex |
AlterFulltextStoplist |
AlterFunction |
AlterIndex |
AlterInstance |
AlterLinkedServer |
AlterLogin |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a login is altered. |
AlterMasterKey |
AlterMessage |
AlterMessageType |
AlterPartitionFunction |
AlterPartitionScheme |
AlterPlanGuide |
AlterProcedure |
AlterQueue |
AlterRemoteServer |
AlterRemoteServiceBinding |
AlterResourceGovernorConfig |
AlterResourcePool |
AlterRole |
AlterRoute |
AlterSchema |
AlterServerAudit |
AlterServerAuditSpecification |
AlterService |
AlterServiceMasterKey |
AlterSymmetricKey |
AlterTable |
AlterTrigger |
AlterUser |
AlterView |
AlterWorkloadGroup |
AlterXmlSchemaCollection |
BindDefault |
BindRule |
CreateApplicationRole |
CreateAssembly |
CreateAsymmetricKey |
CreateBrokerPriority |
CreateCertificate |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a certificate is created. |
CreateContract |
CreateCredential |
CreateCryptographicProvider |
CreateDatabase |
CreateDatabaseAuditSpecification |
CreateDatabaseEncryptionKey |
CreateDefault |
CreateEndpoint |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when an HTTP endpoint is created. |
CreateEventNotification |
CreateEventSession |
CreateExtendedProcedure |
CreateExtendedProperty |
CreateFulltextCatalog |
CreateFulltextIndex |
CreateFulltextStoplist |
CreateFunction |
CreateIndex |
CreateLinkedServer |
CreateLinkedServerLogin |
CreateLogin |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a login is created. |
CreateMasterKey |
CreateMessage |
CreateMessageType |
CreatePartitionFunction |
CreatePartitionScheme |
CreatePlanGuide |
CreateProcedure |
CreateQueue |
CreateRemoteServer |
CreateRemoteServiceBinding |
CreateResourcePool |
CreateRole |
CreateRoute |
CreateRule |
CreateSchema |
CreateServerAudit |
CreateServerAuditSpecification |
CreateService |
CreateSpatialIndex |
CreateStatistics |
CreateSymmetricKey |
CreateSynonym |
CreateTable |
CreateTrigger |
CreateType |
CreateUser |
CreateView |
CreateWorkloadGroup |
CreateXmlIndex |
CreateXmlSchemaCollection |
DdlAuthorizationServerEventsEvents |
DdlCredentialEventsEvents |
DdlCryptographicProviderEventsEvents |
DdlDatabaseEventsEvents |
DdlEndpointEventsEvents |
DdlEventSessionEventsEvents |
DdlExtendedProcedureEventsEvents |
DdlGdrServerEventsEvents |
DdlLinkedServerEventsEvents |
DdlLinkedServerLoginEventsEvents |
DdlLoginEventsEvents |
DdlMessageEventsEvents |
DdlRemoteServerEventsEvents |
DdlResourceGovernorEventsEvents |
DdlResourcePoolEvents |
DdlServerAuditEventsEvents |
DdlServerAuditSpecificationEventsEvents |
DdlServerLevelEventsEvents |
DdlServerSecurityEventsEvents |
DdlServiceMasterKeyEventsEvents |
DdlWorkloadGroupEvents |
DenyDatabase |
DenyServer |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a permission is denied on the server. |
Dirty |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event set has been modified. |
DropApplicationRole |
DropAssembly |
DropAsymmetricKey |
DropBrokerPriority |
DropCertificate |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event certificate events are included in the event set. |
DropContract |
DropCredential |
DropCryptographicProvider |
DropDatabase |
DropDatabaseAuditSpecification |
DropDatabaseEncryptionKey |
DropDefault |
DropEndpoint |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when an HTTP endpoint is dropped. |
DropEventNotification |
DropEventSession |
DropExtendedProcedure |
DropExtendedProperty |
DropFulltextCatalog |
DropFulltextIndex |
DropFulltextStoplist |
DropFunction |
DropIndex |
DropLinkedServer |
DropLinkedServerLogin |
DropLogin |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a login is dropped. |
DropMasterKey |
DropMessage |
DropMessageType |
DropPartitionFunction |
DropPartitionScheme |
DropPlanGuide |
DropProcedure |
DropQueue |
DropRemoteServer |
DropRemoteServiceBinding |
DropResourcePool |
DropRole |
DropRoleMember |
DropRoute |
DropRule |
DropSchema |
DropServerAudit |
DropServerAuditSpecification |
DropServerRoleMember |
DropService |
DropSignature |
DropSignatureSchemaObject |
DropStatistics |
DropSymmetricKey |
DropSynonym |
DropTable |
DropTrigger |
DropType |
DropUser |
DropView |
DropWorkloadGroup |
DropXmlSchemaCollection |
GrantDatabase |
GrantServer |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a permission is granted on the server. |
Logon |
NumberOfElements |
Gets the number of events in the event set. (Перезаписывает EventSetBase. . :: . .NumberOfElements.) |
Rename |
RevokeDatabase |
RevokeServer |
Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the event is included in the event set. The event occurs when a permission is revoked on the server. |
Storage |
Gets or sets the bit array for event set storage. (Наследуется из EventSetBase.) |
UnbindDefault |
UnbindRule |
UpdateStatistics |