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Элементы FtpClientConnection

Downloads and uploads data files and manages directories on servers. This class cannot be inherited.

Тип FtpClientConnection предоставляет доступ к следующим элементам.


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод FtpClientConnection Initializes a new instance of the FtpClientConnection class.

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Открытый метод Close Closes the FTP connection.
Открытый метод Connect Opens the connection to the server and returns a value that indicates the result of the connection.
Открытый метод CreateRemoteDirectory Creates a remote directory.
Открытый метод DeleteFiles Deletes the specified files from the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытый метод DeleteRemoteDirectory Deletes a remote directory.
Открытый метод Equals Determines whether two object instances are equal. (Наследуется из DtsObject.)
Защищенный метод Finalize (Наследуется из Object.)
Открытый метод GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Наследуется из DtsObject.)
Открытый метод GetListing Lists the names of directories and files in the specified folder or directory from the FTP server.
Открытый метод GetType (Наследуется из Object.)
Открытый метод GetWorkingDirectory Gets the current working directory on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытый метод LoadFromXML This method is not callable by your application code. To load a package saved as .xml, use the Application..::..LoadPackage method.
Защищенный метод MemberwiseClone (Наследуется из Object.)
Открытый метод ReceiveFiles Receives files from the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытый метод SaveToXML This method is not callable by your application code. To save a package as .xml, use the Application..::..SaveToXml method.
Открытый метод SendFiles Sends files to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытый метод SetWorkingDirectory Sets the current working directory on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытый метод ToString (Наследуется из Object.)

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Открытое свойство ChunkSize Gets or sets the value that indicates the minimum number of bytes to retrieve from or send to the server during a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) read/write operation.
Открытое свойство Retries Gets or sets the number of times the task attempts an operation. A value of 0 indicates that there is no limit on attempts.
Открытое свойство ServerName Gets or sets the name of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
Открытое свойство ServerPassword Sets the password for the server specified in the ServerName property. This property is write-only.
Открытое свойство ServerPort Gets or sets the port number on the server.
Открытое свойство ServerUserName Gets or sets the logon alias of the user.
Открытое свойство Timeout Gets or sets a value that indicates how long to attempt the connection before timing out.
Открытое свойство UsePassiveMode Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the task sends and receives files in passive mode.

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