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Свойство DataSourcePrompts

Gets or sets the prompt strings for each data source associated with a report.

Пространство имен:  ReportExecution2005
Сборка:  ReportExecution2005 (в ReportExecution2005.dll)


Public Property DataSourcePrompts As DataSourcePrompt()
Dim instance As ExecutionInfo
Dim value As DataSourcePrompt()

value = instance.DataSourcePrompts

instance.DataSourcePrompts = value
public DataSourcePrompt[] DataSourcePrompts { get; set; }
property array<DataSourcePrompt^>^ DataSourcePrompts {
    array<DataSourcePrompt^>^ get ();
    void set (array<DataSourcePrompt^>^ value);
member DataSourcePrompts : DataSourcePrompt[] with get, set
function get DataSourcePrompts () : DataSourcePrompt[]
function set DataSourcePrompts (value : DataSourcePrompt[])

Значение свойства

Тип: array<ReportExecution2005. . :: . .DataSourcePrompt> [] () [] []
An array of DataSourcePrompts objects.


These prompts are for data sources that can potentially accept credentials. You may still provide different credentials even if credentials have already been provided in the session and the CredentialsRequired property is false.