ConnectionProperties Element (RDL)
Provides information about the data source.
<DataSource Name="...">
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type and length |
None |
Default value |
None |
Cardinality |
0-1: Optional element that can occur once or not at all. For additional information, see "Remarks." |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Element |
Parent element |
Child elements |
The DataSource element, which is the parent of ConnectionProperties, must contain either a ConnectionProperties element or a DataSourceReference element, but it cannot contain both.
Credential information is not stored within a report definition. Credentials are stored and managed separately on the report server.
См. также
Report Definition XML Elements
DataSourceReference Element (RDL)
Другие ресурсы
Указание учетных данных и сведений о соединении