AddSubscription Method (Replication ActiveX)
The AddSubscription method adds a new or existing subscription based on the specified control properties.
object.AddSubscription DBAddOption, SubscriptionHost
Part | Description |
object |
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
DBAddOption |
Option to add; use a value from DBADDOPTION (Replication ActiveX). |
SubscriptionHost |
Subscription host; use a value from SUBSCRIPTION_HOST (Replication ActiveX). |
Возвращаемое значение
Return code | Description |
S_OK |
Method succeeded. |
General failure occurred. Check error records for detailed information. |
Specified database already exists. |
Specified database does not exist. |
Specified subscription already exists. |
Failure occurred that might require retrying the last operation. |
Applies To
SQLDistribution Object (Replication ActiveX)
SQLMerge Object (Replication ActiveX)
Push subscriptions are not currently supported by this method.
The Initialize Method (Replication ActiveX) should not be called prior to using AddSubscription.
If DBAddOption is set to ATTACH_DATABASE and SubscriberDatasourceType Property (Replication ActiveX) is set to SQL_SERVER, AddSubscription can work only with single-file databases. Use the SubscriberDatabasePath Property (Replication ActiveX) property to specify the name and path of the .mdf file to attach.
If DBAddOption is ATTACH_SUBSCRIPTION, use SubscriberDatabasePath Property (Replication ActiveX) to specify the name and path of the Microsoft Subscription File (.msf). This file can be created with the CopySubscription Method (Replication ActiveX) method.
AddSubscription also supports creating a new Subscriber database, creating a new subscription for an existing database, and registering an existing subscription with Windows Synchronization Manager.
In Microsoft Visual Basic, AddSubscription is a Sub method and does not return a value.
Prototype C/C++
HRESULT AddSubscription(
SUBSCRIPTION_HOST SubscriptionHost);
См. также
CopySubscription Method (Replication ActiveX)
DropSubscription Method (Replication ActiveX)
SubscriberDatasourceType Property (Replication ActiveX)
SubscriberDatabasePath Property (Replication ActiveX)