How to: Specify That a Merge Table Article is Download-Only (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
Download-only articles are designed for applications with data that is not updated at Subscribers. For more information, see Оптимизация производительности репликации слиянием при работе со статьями, доступными только для загрузки.
To specify that a new merge table article is download-only
Execute sp_addmergearticle, specifying a value of 1 or 2 for the parameter @subscriber_upload_options. The numbers correspond to the following behavior:
- 0 - No restrictions (default). Changes made at the Subscriber are uploaded to the Publisher.
- 1 - Changes are allowed at the Subscriber, but they are not uploaded to the Publisher.
- 2 - Changes are not allowed at the Subscriber.
If the source table for an article is already published in another publication, the value of @subscriber_upload_options must be the same for both articles. Примечание.
If you change the article type to download-only after subscriptions have been initialized, all client subscriptions that receive the article must be reinitialized.
To modify an existing merge table article to be download-only
To determine if an article is download-only, execute sp_helpmergearticle. Note the value of upload_options for the article in the result set.
If the value returned in step 1 is 0, execute sp_changemergearticle, specifying a value of subscriber_upload_options for @property, a value of 1 for @force_invalidate_snapshot and @force_reinit_subscription, and a value of 1 or 2 for @value, which corresponds to the following behavior:
- 1 - Changes are allowed at the Subscriber, but they are not uploaded to the Publisher.
- 2 - Changes are not allowed at the Subscriber.
If the source table for an article is already published in another publication, the download-only behavior must be the same for both articles.
См. также
How to: Define an Article (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
How to: View and Modify Article Properties (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)