FieldType Element for SubscriptionClass/Schema/Field (ADF)
Specifies the SQL Server data type for a subscription field.
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
string, between 1 and 255 characters in length. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Required once per Field element. |
Updates |
Can be modified, but not added or deleted, when updating the application. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
None. |
FieldType values must conform to SQL Server data types. The following data types are supported by Notification Services:
bigint |
float |
real |
tinyint |
binary |
int |
smalldatetime |
uniqueidentifier |
bit |
money |
smallint |
varbinary |
char |
nchar |
smallmoney |
varchar |
datetime |
nvarchar |
sql_variant |
xml |
decimal |
numeric |
The text, ntext, and image data types are not supported because they cannot be used as values for parameters and variables in stored procedures. In addition, the timestamp data type is not supported. For more information about SQL Server data types, see Типы данных (компонент Database Engine).
If using the xml data type with the XSLT content formatter, set the content formatter's DisableEscaping argument to false so that the content formatter does not attempt to transform the XML markup.
If you update a FieldType element, updating the application re-creates the subscription class to which it corresponds. Notification Services renames the existing subscription tables by appending Old to the name and then creates new subscription tables. Existing subscription table indexes are left unchanged.
If you want to transfer data between the old and new subscription tables, it must be done manually. For more information, see Обновление приложения.
The following example specifies a subscription field data type of money.
См. также
Application Definition File Reference
Другие ресурсы
Определение схемы подписок
Обновление экземпляров и приложений