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SqlCeReplication Members

SqlCeReplication overview

Public Constructors

public constructorSqlCeReplication Constructor

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeReplication class.

Public Properties

public propertyDistributor

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the SQL Server Distributor.
public propertyDistributorAddress

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the network address used when the SQL Server Reconcileris connecting to the Distributor.
public propertyDistributorLogin

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login name used when connecting to the Distributor.
public propertyDistributorNetwork

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the network protocol used when the SQL Server Reconciler communicates with the Distributor.
public propertyDistributorPassword

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login password used when connecting to the Distributor.
public propertyDistributorSecurityMode

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the security mode used when connecting to the Distributor.
public propertyExchangeType

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies whether the synchronization between the Publisher and the Subscriber is bi-directional or upload only.
public propertyHostName

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Sets the host name used for the device when connecting to the Publisher.
public propertyInternetLogin

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login name used when connecting to the SQL Server CE Server Agent.
public propertyInternetPassword

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the password used when connecting to the SQL Server CE Server Agent.
public propertyInternetProxyLogin

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login name used when connecting to an InternetProxyServer that requires authentication.
public propertyInternetProxyPassword

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the password used when connecting to an InternetProxyServer that requires authentication.
public propertyInternetProxyServer

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the proxy server to use when accessing the HTTP resource specified in the InternetUrl property.
public propertyInternetUrl

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the URL used to connect to the SQL Server CE Server Agent.
public propertyLoginTimeout

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for connections to be established.
public propertyProfileName

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the name of the agent profile at the Distributor to be used by the SqlCeReplication object.
public propertyPublication

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the publication name that has been enabled for anonymous merge subscriptions.
public propertyPublisher

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the name of the Publisher. The Publisher is the computer that is running SQL Server and that contains the publication.
public propertyPublisherAddress

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the network address used when connecting to the Publisher.
public propertyPublisherChanges

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the total number of Publisher changes applied at the Subscriber when the Synchronize method was last called.
public propertyPublisherConflicts

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the total number of conflicts that occurred at the Publisher when the Synchronize method was last called.
public propertyPublisherDatabase

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the name of the publication database.
public propertyPublisherLogin

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login name used when connecting to the Publisher.
public propertyPublisherNetwork

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the network protocol used when the SQL Server Replication Provider communicates with the Publisher.
public propertyPublisherPassword

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the login password used when connecting to the Publisher.
public propertyPublisherSecurityMode

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the security mode used when connecting to the Publisher.
public propertyQueryTimeout

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the number of seconds allowed for internal queries to complete.
public propertySubscriber

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the name of the Subscriber.
public propertySubscriberChanges

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the total number of Subscriber changes applied at the Publisher when the Synchronize method was last called.
public propertySubscriberConnectionString

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the OLE DB connection string for the SQL Server CE database on the Windows CE .NET-based device.
public propertyValidate

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Specifies the type of data validation SQL Server CE replication performs while synchronizing.

Public Methods

public methodAddSubscription

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Creates a new anonymous subscription to an existing Microsoft SQL Server publication. After calling the AddSubscription method, the application must call the Synchronize method to synchronize the new subscription to the publication based on the latest snapshot.
public methodCreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
public methodDispose

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Releases all native resources.
public methodDropSubscription

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Drops the subscription to a SQL Server publication and optionally deletes the SQL Server CE database from the Windows CE .NET-based device.
public methodEquals (inherited from Object)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overloaded. Determines whether two Object instances are equal.
public methodGetHashCode (inherited from Object)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
public methodGetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
public methodGetType (inherited from Object)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the Type of the current instance.
public methodInitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
public methodReinitializeSubscription

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Marks a subscription for reinitialization. After calling ReinitializeSubscription, an application must call the Synchronize method to download the latest snapshot of the publication to the device.
public methodSynchronize

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Invokes merge replication between the SQL Server CE subscription and the SQL Server Publisher.
public methodToString (inherited from Object)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Methods

protected methodFinalize

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overridden. Releases the resources held by this instance.

In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax.

protected methodMemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

SqlCeReplication Class | System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1.
Documentation version 1.1.1.

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