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Topic Last Modified: 2012-03-26

Verifies that anonymous users can use the Microsoft Lync Web App to join a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 conference.


Test-CsWebAppAnonymous -TargetFqdn <String> [-External <SwitchParameter>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-OutVerboseVariable <String>] [-RegistrarPort <Nullable>] [-UserSipAddress <String>]

Test-CsWebAppAnonymous -TargetUri <String> -UserSipAddress <String> [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-OutVerboseVariable <String>] [-WebCredential <PSCredential>]

Test-CsWebAppAnonymous [-TargetFqdn <String>] -UserCredential <PSCredential> -UserSipAddress <String> [-External <SwitchParameter>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-OutVerboseVariable <String>] [-RegistrarPort <Nullable>]

Detailed Description

The Test-CsWebAppAnonymous cmdlet enables administrators to verify that anonymous users can employ the Lync Web App in order to join conferences. When you run Test-CsWebAppAnonymous, the cmdlet attempts to obtain an anonymous web ticket by using the Web Ticket service. If the ticket can be obtained, Test-CsWebAppAnonymous will then try to connect to Lync Server 2010 by using the Lync Web App. If the connection is made, the cmdlet will then attempt to establish separate conferences for instant messaging, application sharing, and data collaboration.

Many administrators will use the CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration cmdlets to set up test users for each of their Registrar pools. These test users represent a pair of user accounts that have been preconfigured for use with synthetic transactions. (Typically these are test accounts and not accounts that belong to actual users.) If test users are configured for a pool, administrators can run Test-CsWebAppAnonymous against that pool without having to specify the identity of (and supply the credentials for) the user account involved in the test.

Alternatively, administrators can run Test-CsWebAppAnonymous using an actual user account. If you decide to conduct the test using an actual user account you will need to supply the logon name and password for that account.


Parameter Required Type Description




Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool to be tested. For example:

-TargetFqdn atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com




User credentials object for the first of the two user accounts to be tested. The value passed to UserCredential should be an object reference obtained by using the Get-Credential cmdlet. For example, this code returns a credentials object for the user litwareinc\pilar and stores that object in a variable named $x:

$x = Get-Credential "litwareinc\pilar"

You need to supply the user password when running this command.

This parameter is not required if you are running the test by using test users configured via the CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration cmdlets.




SIP address for the first of the two user accounts to be tested. For example:

-UserSipAddress "sip:kenmyer@litwareinc.com"

This parameter is not required if you are running the test by using test users configured via the CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration cmdlets.




When present, causes Test-CsWebAppAnonymous to test the Reach server’s external web relay. If this parameter is not present, the cmdlet will test the internal web relay. The web relay serves as an intermediary between the internal network and the Internet.




Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Reach server. For example:

-TargetUri "https://atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com/reach"

You cannot use both the TargetUri parameter and the TargetFqdn parameter in the same command.



PS Credential object

User credential object for the user account to be used in the test. The value passed to UserCredential should be an object reference obtained by using the Get-Credential cmdlet. For example, this code returns a credentials object for the user litwareinc\kenmyer and stores that object in a variable named $x:

$x = Get-Credential "litwareinc\kenmyer"

This parameter is required if either the TargetUri parameter or the UserSipAddress parameters are specified and the computer on which the command is run does not have a server certificate.




SIP port used by the Registrar service. This parameter is not required if the Registrar uses the default port 5061.




When present, detailed output from running the cmdlet will be stored in the specified variable. For example, to store output in a variable named $TestOutput use the following syntax

-OutVerboseVariable TestOutput

Do not prepend a $ character when specifying the variable name.




Suppresses the display of any non-fatal error message that might occur when running the command.

Input Types


Return Types

Test-CsWebAppAnonymous returns an instance of the Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.TaskOutput object.


-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

Test-CsWebAppAnonymous -TargetFqdn atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com

The command shown in Example 1 verifies whether or not a test user configured for the pool atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com can use Lync Web App to anonymously join a conference. This command will only succeed if you have configured a test user for the pool by using the CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration cmdlets.

-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

$cred1 = Get-Credential "litwareinc\kenmyer"

Test-CsWebApp -TargetFqdn atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com -UserSipAddress "sip:kenmyer@litwareinc.com" -UserCredential $cred1 

The preceding commands verify whether or not the user Ken Myer can use Lync Web App to anonymously join a conference. To use an actual user account, the first command in the example uses the Get-Credential cmdlet to create a Windows PowerShell credentials object for the user litwareinc\kenmyer. That credentials object (stored in a variable named $cred1) is then passed to the UserCredential parameter in the second command in the example. In addition to the UserCredential parameter, the UserSipAddress parameter is also included, along with Ken Myer’s SIP address.