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MimePart.SubtreeEnumerator members

The MimePart.SubtreeEnumerator structure provides rich control over the enumeration of the contents of a MimePart.PartSubtree structure.

The MimePart.SubtreeEnumerator type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Current The Current property gets the current MimePart object in the MimePart.PartSubtree structure that belongs to this MimePart object.
Public property Depth The Depth property gets the depth of the current MimePart object within the MimePart.PartSubtree structure that belongs to this MimePart object.
Public property FirstVisit The FirstVisit property gets a Boolean value indicating whether or not the current MimePart is being visited for the first time.
Public property LastVisit The LastVisit property gets a Boolean value indicating whether or not the current MimePart is being visited for the first time.



  Name Description
Public method Dispose Releases the resources used by the MimePart.SubtreeEnumerator class.
Public method MoveNext The MoveNext method makes the next MimPart object in this PartSubtree structure the current one.
Public method SkipChildren The SkipChildren method causes the next call to the MoveNext method to skip the children of the current MimePart object and move to the next available parent MimePart object.


See also


MimePart.SubtreeEnumerator structure

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mime namespace