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Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Microsoft Speech Platform


ISpTranscript::GetTranscript gets the current transcription string. The string returned will be allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc and applications implementing this method must call CoTaskMemFree() to free memory associated with this string.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <strong>HRESULT GetTranscript(</strong> <strong> LPWSTR</strong> **<em>ppszTranscript</em> <strong>);</strong> </pre>


  • ppszTranscript
    [out, string] A pointer to the null-terminated transcription string.

Return Values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully. ppszTranscript contains a CoTaskMemAllocated string.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Exceeded available memory.
SPERR_UNINITIALIZED Object has not been initialized.
E_POINTER ppszTranscript is bad or invalid.
S_FALSE No transcript is present and ppszTranscript will be NULL.
FAILED (hr) Appropriate error message.


The following code snippet illustrates the use of ISpTranscript::GetTranscript.


// Declare local identifiers:
HRESULT                    hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<ISpStream>         cpStream;
CComPtr<ISpTranscript>     cpTranscript;
PWCHAR                     pwszTranscript;

// Bind a stream to an existing wavefile (assumes // existence of the file "C:\VoiceToFile.wav"). hr = SPBindToFile(L"C:\VoiceToFile.wav", SPFM_CREATE_ALWAYS, &cpStream;);

if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpStream.QueryInterface(&cpTranscript;); }

if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpTranscript->GetTranscript(&pwszTranscript;); }

if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Do stuff here. }

// Release system resources. ::CoTaskMemFree(&pwszTranscript;);
