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Microsoft Speech Platform


SpSetDescription sets the string value for the specified token.

Found in: sphelper.h

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <strong>inline HRESULT SpSetDescription(</strong> <strong> ISpObjectToken</strong> *<em>pObjToken</em>, <strong> const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pszDescription</em>, <strong> LANGID</strong> <em>Language</em> = SpGetUserDefaultUILanguage(), <strong> BOOL</strong> <em>fSetLangIndependentId</em> = TRUE <strong>);</strong> </pre>


  • pObjToken
    [in] The object token of the target resource.
  • pszDescription
    [in] A null-terminated string containing the resource description.
  • Language
    [in] The language ID for the resource. Language is optional and if omitted the default language will be used.
  • fSetLangIndependentId
    [in] Boolean indicating whether the language independent ID is also changed. TRUE, changes it; FALSE does not. If fSetLangIndependentId omitted the default TRUE will be used.

Return Values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG Either pszDescription or the language description is invalid or bad.
FAILED(hr) Appropriate error message.