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ModSystem Database Tables

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The Workflow Services for SQL Server include a database called modSystem that acts as the registry for the system. The modSystem database is a repository for the tables that register templates and other system-level components, such as stored procedures and application properties. The name modSystem is used by internal components; therefore, the name cannot be used by other databases on the same server.

The modSystem database stores information about all applications, templates, and database users created on the server. When you create new templates in the Workflow Designer for SQL Server, they are registered in the modTemplates table in the modSystem database. When the administrator creates an instance of an application from a template, the application is registered in the modApplications table in the modSystem database.

**Note   **You should not alter the modSystem database manually. Use the Workflow Designer for SQL Server and the Workflow Manager to make changes. Schema integrity is not guaranteed if you make manual changes to any Workflow Designer system database tables.

The modSystem database contains a number of tables used by the workflow applications. The following table lists those database tables and provides a brief description.

Table name Number of tables Description
modApplications 1 Directory of all the workflow applications that are on the server. Each row contains attributes associated with one individual application.
modProperties 1 Name/value pairs of server properties.
modTemplates 1 Directory of all the templates on the server. Each row contains attributes associated with one individual template.
modUserList 1 List of users associated with all the workflow applications on the server.
Individual Template Tables 1+ Description of template. There is one template table for each row in the modTemplates table.

See Also

Workflow Application Infrastructure | Workflow-Enabled Database Tables | Stored Procedures | Views | The modApplications Table | The modTemplates Table | The Individual Template Tables | The modUserList Table | The modProperties Table (modSystem Database)