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Logger Object Model Reference

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The Logger object provides a mechanism for debugging the workflow script. When first called, it creates a modwfe.log file in the Microsoft® Windows® directory. Then, it writes a user message to the log. For all subsequent calls, it appends the new message to the existing information in the log file.

Use the Logger object methods to create debugging messages that are printed to the log file as your script is executed.

The Logger object provides the following methods:

Method Description
PrintString() Writes a string to the workflow engine log file.
PrintObject() Writes a variant value to the workflow engine log file.

PrintString Method

PrintString( LogString As String )
Parameter In/Out Description
LogString In String to be appended to the workflow log file.

Writes the string into the log file. No formatting or padding is applied to the string. No delimiters are added between two consecutive strings added to the log.

PrintObject Method

PrintObject( LogObject As Variant )
Parameter In/Out Description
LogObject In Object to be converted to a string and appended to the workflow log file.

Converts the variant value to string and then writes it into the log file. No formatting or padding is applied to the string. No delimiters are added between two consecutive strings added to the log.

See Also

Workflow Scripting Reference | Workflow Events | Order of Workflow Events | Session Object Model Reference