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Word Add-ins

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You can add functionality to a Microsoft® Word solution by creating a Word-specific add-in (also sometimes referred to as a global template). Add-ins are good for adding generic functionality to the Word environment. For example, you might create a Word add-in that contains common tools for working with Word documents. The user can use any of these tools with his or her documents by clicking the toolbars and menu commands that the add-in provides.

To see a list of currently available Word add-ins, click Templates and Add-Ins on the Tools menu. The currently loaded add-ins appear checked in the Global templates and add-ins list in the Templates and Add-Ins dialog box.

Although Word add-ins and Word templates both have the .dot file extension, they contribute functionality to a Word document in different ways. An add-in is a supplemental program that adds custom commands or custom features to an application. A template is a special kind of document that provides boilerplate text, custom styles, and macros for shaping a final document.

See Also

Building Application-Specific Add-ins | Creating a Word Add-in | Loading a Word Add-in | Running Code When a Word Add-in Is Loaded or Unloaded | Excel Add-ins | PowerPoint Add-ins | Access Add-ins | Adding and Removing Command Bars for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Add-ins | Controlling Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Add-ins from Code | Securing an Access, Excel, PowerPoint, or Word Add-in's VBA Project