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Event Types

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There are two sets of event types in workflow:

  • The workflow event sink uses the CdoWfEventType enumeration when it calls the Advance method of the IprocessInstance Interface (workflow engine).
  • The Action Table uses event types to characterize document transitions.

CdoWfEventTypes in Calls to Advance

You use the following CdoWfEventTypes if you develop your own event sink to use with the workflow engine:

  • cdowfOnCreate
  • cdowfOnChange
  • cdowfOnDelete
  • cdowfOnExpiry
  • cdowfOnReceive

CdoWfEventType Enum

The CdoWfEventType enumeration is set by the workflow event sink before it calls the workflow engine. The event sink calls ProcessInstance.Advance with this as its first argument.

Name Value Description
cdowfOnCreate 1 Document was created.
cdowfOnChange 2 Document was modified.
cdowfOnDelete 3 Document was deleted.
cdowfOnExpiry 4 Document has been in the current state too long.
cdowfOnReceive 5 Received an e-mail response correlating to the document.

Event Types with an Action Table

Use event types when you design the ActionTable to define which events for which you want a rule to fire. Your ActionTable can include states that have more than one path of entry or exit. You might take certain events with a workflow item regardless of how it reached a given state. When you want an event to fire for a particular state, no matter how the ProcessInstance entered or exited that state, the ActionTable EventTypes include two types for you to use. OnEnter and OnExit make it possible for you to specify an event for a given state whenever a ProcessInstance enters or leaves that state. The following table lists the values that you can use in the ActionTable EventType field:

Name Value Description
OnCreate Event 1 Document was created.
OnChange Event 2 Document was modified.
OnDelete Event 3 Document was deleted.
OnEnter Event 4 New state is entered. This is where the Workflow Designer usually sets the expiry interval.
OnExit Event 5 Old state is exited.
OnExpiry Event 6 Document has been in the current state too long.
OnReceive Event 7 Received an e-mail response correlating to the document.

See Also

Exchange Workflow Reference | ActionTable Property | OnCreate Event | OnChange Event | OnDelete Event | OnEnter Event | OnExit Event | OnExpiry Event | OnReceive Event