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Permitting Ad Hoc Workflow Processes

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Two properties set for the Exchange Folder configure how your workflow application utilizes workflow processes. The first property specifies the default workflow process — the default behavior for items in the folder. To set the default workflow process for your folder, use the DefaultProcessDefinition property seen in the property window for the workflow process, or the Default Workflow Process edit box on the Properties Page.

The second property, AdHocAllowed, specifies for the workflow run-time environment whether to make it possible for individual workflow processes to define their own behavior. If this property is set to True, then new items can contain their own workflow process.

To use these ad hoc workflow processes, your workflow application must check to see if the ad hoc property is set to True, and then, if it is, use the workflow process specified by your design.

To allow ad hoc workflow processes

  1. From the Solution Explorer, select the project, right-click to display the context menu, and then select Properties.

  2. Select Ad-hoc workflow allowed on documents, and click OK.

    **Note   **All properties appear and are editable in the Property pages and in the Properties Grid. In the Properties Grid, the check boxes are represented as Boolean (True/False).

For more technical information about the properties set for workflow applications, search for "Design-time Objects" on the Microsoft Exchange Server Programmer's Reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/exchange/.

See Also

Advanced Workflow Process Management | Adding an Existing Workflow Item | Creating an External Default Workflow Process | Setting the Default Workflow Process