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Defining Permissions for Database Roles

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When users connect to a workflow application, the activities they can perform are determined by the permissions granted to their security accounts, Microsoft® Windows® 2000 groups, or role hierarchies to which their security accounts belong. The user must have the appropriate permissions to perform any activity that involves changing the database definition or accessing data.

To define role permissions

  1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, then Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Enterprise Manager.

  2. Expand a server group, and then expand a server.

  3. Expand Databases, and then expand the database in which the role exists.

  4. Click Roles.

  5. In the details pane, right-click the role to which you want to assign permissions, and select Properties.

  6. Click Permissions. If required, select List all objects. Objects are listed in rows, and permissions are listed in columns.

  7. Enable and disable permissions on objects by selecting or clearing the appropriate boxes.

    Note   If using row-level permissions for a table, you cannot grant select permissions on the entire table. You must grant select permissions only to the primary key column. Therefore, you must use a stored procedure to grant column permissions (permissions on a single column rather than an entire table).

See Also

Setting Up Accounts, Logins, Roles, and Users | Security Categories in Workflow Designer for SQL Server | Windows 2000 and SQL Server Security | Creating Database Roles | Creating Workflow Application Users | Assigning Users to Database Roles