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Creating Script Procedures

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To use procedures or functions in your workflow process, you create the script in the script editor.

You are not required to write any scripts to make your workflow process run. The only required script, a validation procedure that returns True making it possible for workflow events to occur, is added automatically when you create a workflow process or add an event.

Each workflow event has two associated script functions — a validation script procedure and an event script procedure. When a workflow event is triggered, the workflow engine invokes the script engine and executes the validation function. If this validation function returns True, the associated event and event script procedure are executed.

To access the Script Editor and add script

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select the workflow process you are enhancing with script.
  2. From the View menu, select Code, or double click the transition in the Design Surface where you want to add code.
  3. Create a procedure, including Sub and End Sub tags, or a function, including Function and End Function tags.

See Also

Scripting in the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server | Workflow Process Security Mode | Choosing Workflow Events | Debugging Script in the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server | Script Examples for Exchange Server | Workflow Scripting